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Roommate Wars: Living with Boys

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

One thing I was a little wary about was living with three guys, of course my roommate is my best friend and a girl, but the other side of the apartment is filled with boys. It’s a two bedroom two bathroom apartment, but sometimes it feels like a sardine can!


I can say now that I have good housemates, we all get along and have respectful relationships with one another. Of course we are loud at times, listen to music very loudly and overall make a lot of noise…past midnight. A quick text to our group message helps to quiet each other down a bit.


Some tips for living with multiple people and guys… Well this is what has worked for me.

  1. Dishes

  • Now at first everybody was good at washing their dishes and utensils. Now that it’s spring quarter that isn’t always the case. Not going to lie, I don’t always wash my dishes either, but there are definitely some people that don’t wash dishes anymore.

  • Say something, even if it’s awkward just tell whomever it is that has had their dishes out for two weeks to wash them (or burn them because that’s nasty)

2. Guests

  • this is tough as well, but I feel that since it’s also your place that there is a clear understanding of who is going to be there.

  • Ask all of your roommates if it’s cool if you friend can come over or spend the night, because it is very weird waking up and going to the kitchen and finding a random on your couch

  • Significant Others: IMPORTANT! It’s your room/apartment and it really isn’t cool when your roommate has their SO there all the time. It’s awkward and just uncomfortable so be upfront and say if you’re comfortable or not.

3. Shared Spaces

  • this would be the living room and kitchen for me and my housemates

  • We are all equally aware of what shoes are ours in the front by the door, we tend to ask and be courteous about using one another’s things

  • TV and Game Consoles: These are one of my housemates and we all have permission to use it, but be aware to turn these things off if you’re not using them

  • Kitchen: Refrigerator. Oh gosh. There are five of us living there and the fridge and freezer are jam packed, it’s like a constant game of Tetris!

4. Just be patient

  • some days it’s great living with your friends, and some days it’s hard, but just stay calm and positive!

  • Be direct, say how you feel about certain situations and stay confident.

  • game nights really help to get tension out!

Living with my friends has been a learning experience, and I’m glad I’ve had the chance to live with my friends. I’ve learned to be patient, respectful and open to change, but I’m happy to say that this year has been one of the best living arrangements I’ve had.