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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

Summer is coming, which means it’s time to get in shape. There are many health benefits that go along with working out. Healthy, regular exercise boosts endorphins, making you more energized, and you will feel more awake. Here are some easy exercises that will help you slim down your physique for this summer.

The Russian Twist

Grab a medicine ball (start with 5 pounds) centered above your stomach, lean back, and pull your knees in slightly. Begin to twist from side to side with the ball while keeping your legs and stomach centered. Do 25 reps on each side, alternating each time.

The Ski Squat

One of the best booty-tightening exercises is the simple ski squat. This exercise not only includes cardio, but also muscle training. Start in a squat position with your legs bent. Jump as high as you can and land in the same squat position. Repeat 10 reps, three times.

Elbow to Plank

This exercise is a two-in-one because it works the abs and arms! Start in a plank position on your elbows. Transition your right hand to the ground, and then do the same with your left so that you are now in a push-up position. The helpful signal to repeat in your head while doing this exercise is “elbow, elbow, hand, hand.” Repeat 10 reps, three times.

Now onto the cardio: this is important to blast away body fat. The best forms of cardio are running (high intensity), swimming (low intensity), or cycling (low intensity). Depending on what your body can handle, pick one of these cardio forms. It is a rule of thumb that a human being requires 20-30 minutes of cardio for a substantial workout in addition to muscle training exercises mentioned above. Have fun, and good luck with your new workout!