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7 College Essentials You Will Definitely Need

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

1.     Robe and Shower Caddy 

There are many things to look forward to in college, but the bathroom situation is not one of them. I wish I could say that the bathrooms were clean, spacious, and comfortable, but that’s simply not the case. Unless you want to do an awkward naked run while juggling five thousand bottles of soap between your room and the shower, a robe and shower caddy are major necessities. 

2.     Shower Sandals 

Bare feet and communal bathrooms are not a good combination. Up until this point, I never realized how much I cherished walking to the bathroom without putting on a pair of sandals. You will not want to step foot in the bathroom without sandals on. Trust me.  

3.     An Outfit for Every Type of Occasion 

One of the best things about college is the spontaneity. One minute you might be staring absentmindedly at your laptop screen and the next you can be at a concert with your friends or cheering on the basketball team. You definitely want to have a good variety of outfits on hand because you never know what college will bring you. 

4.     Room Décor/Items of Sentimental Value 

Starting college might feel like a scary transition. You are leaving your friends and family to go off by yourself for the very first time. Life as you know it is changing. However, if you try filling your room with pictures, decorations, and things that make you, YOU, there will be a sort of a connection between your life prior to high school and your life now. Just because you’re making new memories doesn’t mean you have to forget about the old ones! 

5.     Lots and Lots of Snacks 

Whether or not you have an unlimited meal plan, the dining hall will not satisfy all of your food-related needs. For instance, you cannot rely on the dining commons for your 2 a.m. snack cravings, nor will you want to endure a grueling study session without some food on hand. You most definitely do not want to find yourself knocking on your neighbor’s door for some Flamin’ Hot Cheetos in the dead of night. Be sure to stock up on plenty of snacks rather than finding out the hard way. 

6.     A Laptop 

In college, your laptop will become your new best friend. There is simply no other way to keep up with your professors while simultaneously checking your social media. Unlike high school, your professors will not wait for you to finish jotting down those last few words on the PowerPoint. 

7.     An Optimistic Attitude 

We have all heard the rumors about college and we are now finally here! Life is what you make it and college is no exception to that. Take chances, have fun, and be open to new opportunities. Good luck! (And seriously, don’t forget the shower sandals).