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5 Study hacks that will get you through finals!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

With finals right around the corner, it’s time to kick it into high gear. Here are some of my top study hacks to get you through finals and help you get those A’s.

1. Plan everything out

Have everything planned out: tests, projects, etc. Whether you use Google calendar or write everything down in a planner, make sure you’re keeping track of everything or you could forget something important.

2. No Distractions!

Download Self Control to keep yourself from checking Twitter, Facebook etc. Put your phone on airplane mode or better yet put it in a drawer to keep it from distracting you. 

3. Eat right

As much as eating fast food sounds like the easy and delicious way out, you should be eating healthier food that will keep you going through finals. Try to eat more fruits and drink water to ace finals.

4. Exercise

While binge-watching Netflix sounds like a great way to de-stress in between finals, exercising is an even better stress reliever. Not only will you feel good, but it’ll get your mind off everything.

5. Get enough sleep

Sleep is your best friend when it comes to finals. Pulling an all nighter may sound like a good idea at the time, but the reality is you’ll be so tired you’ll skip the final all together. Make sure you’re getting adequate sleep if you want to ace your finals!

When I'm not writing articles, I enjoy working out, meditating, listening to podcasts, traveling and surrounding myself with people who bring me joy.