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Briana’s Top 10 Things to Be Thankful for This Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Thanksgiving is coming up! You’re probably thinking about that golden-brown turkey at the center of your feast, or about being in the comfort of your own home with midterms finally over. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that Thanksgiving is also a time to, well, give thanks for things in your life. In the spirit of the season, here are my top 10 things (in no particular order) I’m thankful to have in Davis:

Technology: I rely so much on my smartphone for lots of things- from telling time, to texting friends, to looking up something on the Internet. I also use it to jot down notes, to play games while on the bus, or waiting for class to start. Don’t even get me started on my computer, which stores all my homework, essays, and other programs. And cars. And televisions. And CDs. And apps to help me find my way around campus. Point being, I like technology, and I’m thankful that I can afford all these things and use them.

Friends and Family: Although this one seems cliché, I really do value the important people in my life. My family has been there for me as I grew up and helped me learn how to see the world, and my friends have lent me their shoulders to cry on after a breakup. I feel comfortable sharing my thoughts with my best friends and am okay with being vulnerable around them when I’m having a bad day. I’m so thankful to have these people in my life.

Food: I’m a total foodie. When I was checking out college campuses, one of my top priorities was that the school I went to had to have enough areas to eat at, and I’m thankful UC Davis has three cafeterias, two Coho locations, and the Silo. Even outside of school, I love trying new foods, and I’m so grateful that I live in a place where the only food problem I have is deciding what or where to eat. I know there are people around the world who don’t have much to eat, so I really appreciate all the food that there is to have around Davis.

Animals: When I meet someone’s pet dog or cat, they are so adorable and cute I just want to pet them all day. Even if I just see a person walking a dog on campus or if someone shows me a picture of their pet horse, I can’t help but smile. There’s something about animals that always cheers me up, and when I’m freaking out about essays or feeling sad, animals make me feel better. Thanks, squirrels of Davis, for looking so adorable and entertaining me with your tree races!

Movies: These definitely come in handy when I need a break or distraction from studying! I also really like watching movies with friends, as we get to catch up on life before and after the film; during the movie we’re too busy laughing and quoting the characters. And even in class, someone will sometimes reference a movie during discussion, which makes the subject much more interesting and easier to grasp with people comparing Lion King to Hamlet. In short, movies just make life more fun in general, and I’m so thankful I get to see a lot of movies.

Education: Despite the tuition increase, I like going to UCD. The teachers I’ve had are always willing to help me out with something in the class, and they teach me how to think, instead of what to think. And outside of the classroom, I’m still learning things, like how to tie dye clothes with my friends, or how much hot chocolate I can drink in a day before I get sick of it. Every day in Davis, I learn something new, and it’s such a cool thing, and I’m grateful for it.

Music: My first roommate and I used to love waking up to music. Not only is it fun to bop our heads in time with the beat of catchy songs, it showed us what kind of music the other liked and helped us get to know each other better. Or, sometimes I’ll be walking around campus and seeing a new flyer or event going on will remind me of a song I heard some time ago. Again, music makes life so much more fun to live, and I’ve also gotten to know friends better through songs we know. Thanks, YouTube!

Unitrans: Public transit has saved me paying around $130 a quarter in transportation fees, and I’m for sure thankful for that! These buses get me from class to home pretty quickly, so I don’t have to rush to beat traffic or find a good parking spot. So, I can get last-minute homework done before I have to head out the door to catch the bus. This is so awesome and convenient, so thanks, big red buses and our amazing student drivers!

Work: As much as I like having free time, I also like having things to do. It makes me feel like I’m doing something that matters besides discussing topics in class. There’s also a variety of work for me to do, so I don’t go crazy focusing on only schoolwork, or just housework, or doing research on grad schools or internships or other programs geared to help me pursue my goals. Staying busy also helps me manage my time better and effectively prioritize what matters to me. I’m grateful that I can get stuff done and feel like I’m doing something with my life.

Clubs: I would go crazy if I spent all my time on UCD campus studying or doing homework all the time, but when I go to clubs, I don’t have to worry about research papers or midterms at all. While at a club meeting, I can chat with people who share common interests, while also learning more about the things that interest me. Sometimes, the people in the clubs will invite everyone to events, like going to the movies, or grabbing food, and I can make more friends that way or become even better friends with people I kind of know.

What are your top ten things that you’re thankful for?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Editor in Chief, UC Davis chapter founder.