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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

Let’s be honest, is there ever a time when it isn’t midterm season? No matter what part of the semester you’re in, it is almost a guarantee that you or someone you know is currently studying for a midterm. Or, should we say, procrastinating on studying for a midterm. To give you the boost you need, here are all the steps you need to succeed in your midterms — or at least pass them.

Step 1: Stay cool as profs somehow schedule all your midterms in the span of 3 days. You should probably have expected this, to be honest.

Step 2: Listen to your T.A.s. They will (hopefully) tell you what parts of the course you should focus on in order to achieve a solid grade, even if this is the first time all semester that you actually care about what they have to say.

Step 3: There’s safety in numbers and two brains are better than one, so get yourself a study group.

Step 4: Start off strong, then call out your study buddies fifteen minutes in for not actually studying.

Step 5: Give up when they refuse to listen to you. This isn’t what you signed up for. 

Step 6: Decide you are better off studying on your own. Leave them to their fates and strut away with attitude.

Step 7: Time to get serious. Put yourself on a schedule. Set an alarm and do not ignore it, I repeat, do not ignore it.

Step 8: Make sure you have a sweet study playlist on hand. Pause to groove a little.

Step 9: When the textbook fails you (and it will), just google it.

Step 10: March into that exam like you own the place. This is it. This is what you have prepared for. This is your time.

Step 11: Panic when you get to a question you don’t recognize. Forget everything you’ve ever learned since kindergarten. Wrack your brains to see if you can remember anything, anything at all.

Step 12: Walk out of that exam feeling… pretty alright.

Step 13: Repeat as necessary for the rest of term. 



Photo credits: pintrest.ca, GIPHY.com, 

Avery is a second-year student at the University of British Columbia, where she is exploring her innumerable and possibly not very practical interests. She hails from the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island and has plans to do much more travelling before she gets too tired. If given a choice she would much rather have gone to Hogwarts, but readily admits that UBC is a close second. Her most notable talent is an uncanny ability to quote Hamilton during almost any conversation.