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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

Recently, in my Environmental science lab we were tasked an environmental change project for the semester. Like any other college student, I was “thrilled” to have another project to add to my to do list. However, when we began presenting our findings I realized how much we are actually hurting the environment and that how small changes in our daily routines could save the world. Here are some of the ways that we found that you can easily do to help the environment.

  • Recycle
    • This Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle campaign has been forced down our throats ever since we learned the catchy jingle in kindergarten. However, recycling is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to make an environmental change. There are plenty of recycling bins pretty much every where you go on campus, so start using them! 
  • Cutting Your Shower Time
    • Ok I know this one sounds pretty hard, but the difference you make between taking a 20-minute shower versus a 10 minute one is huge. By reducing your shower time, you can help the problem of water scarcity and save your water bill all at the same time. Taking a shorter shower doesn’t make you any less clean, it’s all about your mindset. 
  • Stop Buying Paper Towels
    • It may not seem like it, but the amount of money you spend on paper towels cold easily be cut in half by purchasing reusable/ washable dish rags.
  • Use Reusable Water Bottles
    • Plastic water bottles are one of the biggest environmental problems next to plastic bags because they cause so many issues such as harming marine life, depleting fossil fuels, and pilling up our landfills. By switching to reusable bottles, you can save money and save the world all at the same time.
  • Using Reusable Grocery Bags
    • Finally, reusable grocery bags is another change you can make that makes the world of a difference. Reusable bags are a lot more convenient than plastic ones and a lot cheaper.

Together we can save the planet!