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Kid Things We Still Want To Do As Adults

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

Now ladies, if you’re like me, you are more than thankful that your middle and high school years are behind you…good riddance! But, what about those lovely years before, when you were eight and the world was your oyster and you did not have to worry about student loans and deadlines and traffic and apartment rent? Now those were the days! Here are just a few of the “kid” things that I think we all still like to do as adults…we wish!

  1. Getting kid rates at amusement parks, aquariums, concerts, zoos, etc.

Let’s be honest here, we are kids at heart still…so why do we have to pay the adult rate at Disney Land? It’s just not fair. We can appreciate these kid-friendly places even more now that we are out adulting in the cold, cruel world…come on now, give us the kid rate sometimes!

   2. Ordering the kids meal.  

Sometimes we are on a diet. Sometimes we don’t feel like ordering a large serving. Most of the time we are just plain broke and don’t want to pay a lot for a lot of food! Some places will let you order the kid-size…you just have to suffer the dirty you-dirt-cheap-bum look. I think we should be able to order the kids meal whenever we feel like it! (even if the toys aren’t as good as they used to be…)

  3.Playing on the kids play areas at museums, fair grounds, and parks.

Some days you just want to swing on a swing, that’s all! We are not out to be creepy or kidnap your brat…umm…I mean your precious angelic child. I just wanna slide down the slide and forget about my student loans for ten minutes!!!

  4. Getting an allowance

I don’t know how much you got for what you had to do, but I received $1 a week for making my bed and helping with the laundry, and at seven years old that felt like riches! Can we get an allowance just for putting up with all the political crabbing and newly-married-friend-bragging that we have to put up with on Facebook? All that’s worth at least $100 a week right?  I say YES.

  5. Not having to make stupid New Year’s Resolutions.

Now maybe when you were a kid you did actually make resolutions, but I bet they were in the vein of: “Brush my teeth. Remember to floss. Eat less candy. Never mind.” Now that we are adults we have to make “real” resolutions that we are supposed to actually keep. Diet. Exercise. Improve myself. Contribute to humanity and world peace. Yeah right. I’d rather brush my teeth.

  6. Not having to deal with “adult” relationship issues.

Oh boy. Now here is the kicker. Supposedly we are now more “adult” when it comes to relationship issues and decision making. Can I remind you of how easy it was when we were kids? It was always either:

Kid #1: “I like you.” Kid #2: “Okay.” Or… Kid #1: “I like you.” Kid #2: “Eww! Gross!”

See how simple that was? Honestly, on some days, when it comes to some issues and some situations, that’s how you really wish you could handle the situation. “I like you, I don’t like you, I’m gonna go swing on the swing.”

Katharine is studying for her MA in History at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She is a lover of history and art history, an indefatigable bookworm and a die-hard fan of classic film and vintage fashion. Strike up a conversation with her about Harper Lee, Jane Austen or Audrey Hepburn and you will make her day!