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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

With all the recent events, both globally and in my own personal life, I have felt compelled to share the importance of spreading love. These will just be a few easy and helpful tips to show those around you that you care about and value them. 

  1. Start off by actually telling loved ones how much they mean to you. In this busy chaotic world, we sometimes forget to stop and tell our closets friends, family, and significant others how much we value them. Instead of getting caught up in the chaos, take a minute to stop and tell them how important their relationship is to you.
  2. For those you don’t know, lift them up. I’m not saying to go throwing compliments at every stranger you walk past on the street, but if your waitress has some stellar eyebrows then instead of keeping it to yourself, let her know. This can also extend to having genuine conversation with new people. It’s the little things, and these little acts of kindness can really impact someone if they are having a bad day. 
  3. Just be kind. Think before you speak, and if it isn’t uplifting and puts someone down, then keep it to yourself. I know it isn’t always as easy as it may seem, but putting in the conscience effort to be a kinder person will no only affect others’ views of you but your own view of yourself. Once you get into the habit, you will realize how much easier it choose the happier decision rather than one that will lead to unhappiness. 

At the end of the day, we are all human and we all make mistakes. Be the person that spreads love instead of hate. Invoke positivity, open the door for someone, and cherish those around you – it will make the world of a difference in your life.