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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

The other day in my sociology class, our professor (shout out to Dr. Nyesha Black) asked us all why we were going to college and some of the answers that she got made me wonder if lots of students feel the same way as my class did. One of the most common answers was, “because society told us that going to college is what we’re supposed to do” and I realized that we are force fed the idea that college is the next necessary step after high school if you want to be successful. Thinking about it now, there are lots of examples of extremely successful people that decided college wasn’t for them: Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and even Rachel Ray if you are into cooking. If this is the case, why is everyone so adamant on high schoolers getting a college education? Obviously, it doesn’t guarantee a successful career, and it really doesn’t even guarantee you a job at the end of it. The only thing you’re pretty much guaranteed is whole lot of student debt.

I could go on about the cost of a college education, but it all really comes down to whether or not college is the right path for you. I know many people who don’t come back to UAB for their second year and many people who never come back to college after freshman year to finish what they started. The truth is, college isn’t for everyone. There are so many alternative education options that lead to successful careers, but high schools still promote college as the best decision for the majority of their students. Unfortunately, even going to college for one year can leave you financially unstable and many people never get off their feet again after this financial and emotional setback.

Dropping out of college when you see so many others getting their degree can leave you feeling like you’re worth less than your peers and this can negatively affect how you choose to proceed with your future. Since going through such a huge financial and emotional setback as a young adult is so scarring, it’s even more important that there is a raised awareness about finding students the right path for their life after high school. Options like trade schools and two year colleges are some things that high schoolers should think seriously about before blindly following the crowd. Both of these options lead to successful careers and will benefit many students more than getting a degree in something that they’re not passionate about.

Hopefully, if you’re reading this, you aren’t questioning your decision to come to college or kicking your high school self for making the wrong decision. For me, personally, coming to college was the best decision I ever made. I’ve grown to be twice the person I was when I left high school, and I’ve also had to learn how to manage my time, money, and so many more “adult” things. When I look at the price that I’m paying to attend UAB, I tend to think that I’m not only paying for the classes I’m taking, but that somewhere in that price tag, I’m also paying for the experience. Money couldn’t buy many of the lessons that I’ve learned during my time here so far and even if I decide to drop out of college tomorrow, (if you’re reading this, Mom, I’m not going to. Don’t worry) I will never regret the time that I’ve spent at UAB.



Kryshonna is a senior at the University of Alabama at Birmingham majoring in marketing. She is passionate about food, creating, and finding small ways to be happy. When she isn't acting as the Campus Correspondent, she can be found catching dinner with friends, wandering around Birmingham, or catching up on Youtube. She has a new found love for the color baby pink along with a number of other things including: working out, boba tea, and fuzzy things. For inspiration and fashion posts, you can follow her on Instagram @kokokrys.  Schedule Schedule