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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.


I am writing this article for those of us who feel that 24 hours in a day is not enough. Here are some examples of multitasking that might help spare you some stress!


1. Listen to podcasts while working out

Whether you are at the gym, or out for a run, listening to podcasts that interest you (especially if they are funny) while working out will make you feel extra productive because you will be exercising your body AND your mind!

Here is a link to the best podcasts of 2017 according to The New Yorker. My personal favourites are Pod Save America, The Joe Rogan Experience, 50 Things That Made the Modern Economy, and Freakonomics Radio.


2. Call friends or family members to catch up while cleaning the house or cooking

Since cleaning and cooking do not require much cognitive effort, calling family members or friends you miss while doing so is a good way to optimize this time. That way, you can cultivate your closest relationships while doing those chores you might not particularly enjoy.


3. Cook for more than one meal at a time

This “hack” will not come as a surprise for most students. However, I would recommend cooking something that can be altered into various meals so that you don’t get bored with the same food day after day. For example, cooking chicken and rice allows for the cook to include different vegetables and spices in each meal.



4. Keep a Post-it note pad handy to write to-do lists

Choose an easy accessible place, such as a small pocket in your backpack. I have also seen people keep these on their phones. Once you get home after a long day of working and studying, take out your notepad and check what you have already done and what have yet to do. Note that crossing things off a checklist makes us feel accomplished and it works as a positive reinforcer of productive habits.


5. For an extra energy boost, keep snacks with you at all times

Whether it’s fruit, a protein bar, or a small salad, snacking throughout the day gives you energy in small doses in order to maintain a stable productivity level throughout your day.


6. Combine studious habits with your beauty routine

For example, I like to wear face masks or hair masks while pulling all-nighters. Another example is doing your nails while watching TV.



7. Follow news pages on Instagram

Most of us use what Forbes called the social media platform of preference of 2017. Why not throw some news in there, too, to develop a critical mind and stay informed in a rapidly changing world? I would recommend these news outlets.


8. Read for half an hour before going to bed

I would recommend reading a book for thirty minutes before going to bed. Have it on your bedside table (maybe with a pen or a highlighter) and try getting one of these. This hack has the added value of keeping you away from the screen of your phone for some healthy moments before bedtime.


9. Use your calendar and stay two steps ahead!

Finally, I encourage you to use the Calendar application on your computer or cell phone because you probably use both every day, so it makes it easy to access. Plus, you get to colour code upcoming tasks (school, personal, and work-related events) is an effective way. In this manner you would visualize your weekly workload and plan accordingly.


What are some other productivity tricks you find helpful? Let us know in the comments!

Psychology & Business student. Currently broadening my knowledge on investments, insurance, & education. Aspiring CFA.
Ellen is a fourth year student at the University of Victoria, completing a major in Writing and a minor in Professional Writing: Editing and Publishing. She is currently a Campus Correspondent for the UVic chapter, and spends most of her free time playing Wii Sports and going out for breakfast. She hopes to continue her career in magazine editing after graduation, and finally travel somewhere farther than Disneyworld. You can follow her adventures @ellen.harrison