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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

Stress. This powerful emotion is often felt by many during exam season. It is advised that students decrease their stress levels to make way for an efficient study routine. However, they may be clueless of where to begin to alleviate stress in order to have a smooth and rather enjoyable examination period.

To begin with, we should understand stress and be mindful of how it can potentially affect the human body. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines stress as “a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation”. Therefore, if you live a lifestyle prone to increasing your stress levels, there may be consequences posed on your bodily functions. In brief, stress causes all kinds of negative physical and mental effects on the human body, such as high blood pressure, depression, diabetes, anxiety, etc. The list goes on!

However, there are a variety of ways we can decrease the stress we experience to lead a healthy and happy life. Here are some tips and tricks to make your exam season the best it can possibly be!

1. Get Enough Sleep 

Sleep is definitely something we cut down on to make way for more study time. Pulling all-nighters may be heard as common in university, but they are highly discouraged. Sleep is crucial for students and it is one of the things they need the most to excel during their examination period. According to the National Sleep Foundation, individuals should sleep approximately 8 to 10 hours in order to reach their full potential. Sleep replenishes the body. Without it, we can truly feel dysfunctional. Less sleep is also said to diminish our capacity to retain information, an important tool when it comes to memorizing study materials for exams. Turn off all your electronics and get as many hours of sleep as you can! In order to make as much time there is to study, do not cut down on your hours of sleep. Instead, formulate the perfect schedule and manage your time.

2. Time Management

Time management is key when it comes to studying effectively. Study your material in sections. Complete your assignments ahead of time. In addition, try your best to study at least 3 weeks in advance of your exam. My advice is to begin studying for your first midterm as soon as you receive your course syllabus. Read the required material before your next class. Visit your professors during office hours. That’s what they are there for! Prepare as many questions as you can about the course and exams in order to clarify anything you are unsure of. Doing so will definitely lift a burden off your shoulders. You will then have all the tools necessary to study. A week before your exam would be the best time to review your study materials. Reviewing is often shorter than studying. Therefore, you will have more time allocated to completing any schoolwork assigned to you during your examination period as well. 

3. Eat Well

Eating well is obviously an important factor in diminishing stress, as it is crucial to maintaining your health. Eating healthy snacks while you study, such as fruits, can alleviate your stress and help you feel good in the process. Eat a variety of foods. Drink plenty of water. Water works wonders! Eating well and drinking water will help you fuel your energy to study effectively. 

4. Exercise

Through time management, you will be able to find time in your schedule to exercise. Exercising helps secrete endorphins in your brain, or in other words, happy chemicals. There are additional benefits of exercising which are associated to the brain as well as other parts of the body. You will be able to concentrate and sleep better. Exercise also helps fuel your energy into becoming more active, healthy, and happy.

5. Take a Break

Always remember to take breaks in between studying. Studying for long periods of time is very tiring. Consequently, doing so can increase your stress levels. It is hard to concentrate when you are tired. Be sure to cease studying after a certain time to take a break. 

6. Treat Yourself 

Self-care is essential to living a stress-free life. Find time in your day to unwind and treat yourself. There is nothing more relaxing than taking a nice shower and drinking a warm cup of tea afterwards. Watch a movie. Read a book. Catch up on your favorite television series. Meditate. Listen to music. What do you love to do when you relax? Taking time to focus on you truly helps relieve stress and rejuvenate the soul. You will then be able to gather all your energy for the next day of studying.

In conclusion, I hope these six essential tips helped you understand the root causes of stress and the ways to eliminate it as much as possible from your life. Incorporating these tips into your daily routine will hopefully help you excel in your exams and ease the process of studying during this important time in your life. I wish you the best of luck! Always stay positive! You got this!




Photo Sources:

Image 1: http://www.tampabay.com/news/education/k12/say-goodbye-the-printed-repor…

Image 2: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/sleep/how-much-sleep-do-you-need.htm

Image 3: https://businesscollective.com/17-time-management-tips-from-top-entrepre…

Image 4: http://www.thefitindian.com/importance-of-eating-healthy-food/

Image 5: http://food.ndtv.com/health/a-mile-at-a-time-how-to-increase-your-stamin…

Image 6: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/its-385th-anniversary-tea-uk-8895138

Image 7: http://www.finerminds.com/meditation/beautiful-meditation-calm-mind



Hi! My name is Alesia. I am a writer for Her Campus at the University of Toronto! I have a passion for writing. I also have a strong interest in mental health. I love dogs, movies, tea, traveling, roller coasters, and music. I hope my articles inspire you!
Architecture History and Design Double Major and Environmental Geography Minor at the University of Toronto