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Keeping Calm When Midterms/Finals are Approaching

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

Edited By: Veronika Potylitsina

Don’t Panic!

If you left your studies to the last minute, don’t torture yourself inside, everyone has done it at some point. Try not to panic by listening to some calming music for a few minutes (Spotify has lots of great playlists), try meditating or watching something funny and then start your studying once again.

Take breaks.

you know those times when you are trying to cram all your study material in your brain throughout the night? We have all been there. But remember, you must make sure to give your brain a rest. After an hour of studying, take a 10-15-minute break in order to give your brain a so it can absorb the material. It will also make you feel more relaxed and at ease, and maybe you will even remember the material better.

Study in different locations.

When I am studying in the same place for a few hours at a time I tend to get a little bit antsy. I need to get up and move around. I also like to have some sort of scenery change. Before exam season sneaks up on you, check out different study spots so you can figure out which locations are best for you. That way, if you need a little change, you will know all the cool secret study hubs on campus.

Dress to Impress

When I have exams, I am so exhausted and  lazy, I could care less what I look like.  I usually resort to wearing jeans, sweatpants and big sweaters. However, I once tried putting makeup on and choosing a nice outfit for a really hectic study week at school and here is what happened: I felt a lot  more confident, happier and became more sure that I would succeed. If you have the time, or even when you take a study break try this and see how you feel.

Form study groups:

Study groups are extremely helpful. You might have fun while studying with a group of friends from class, and maybe your classmates even have notes on key concepts  that you may have missed in class. It’s also nice to have a support system around who can motivate you and help you get through the dreadful exam period.

Go to the gym.  

It is important to get your heart pumping during exam time. Working out is good for your body, but it is also beneficial for your mind. It will help you let out your frustrations in a healthy manner, and will keep you motivated.

Stay hydrated:

Sometimes when I am in am in a state of deep concentration, I  can forget to eat or  drink water. It is essential to drink a few glasses of water a day to keep your brain awake and active. Set yourself a reminder on your phone or in your agenda to keep hydrated and keep your mind sharp!

Have Fun!

It is important to keep a balance between school and your social life even when exams are steadily approaching. If you have been studying all day, try and reward yourself by getting dinner with friends, for example, maybe even go shopping or distract yourself by going to the movies. It will help calm yourself down, and you won’t feel so drained from all the work that you have done. You will feel reenergized, like your system just needed to reboot and you will also feel more prepared to study again later.