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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Penn chapter.

Name: Sydney hard

Year: 2017

Hometown: New York

Major: URBS

Relationship status: in an open relationship with Chris Pratt. it’s kinda like a don’t ask don’t tell kinda situation? We’re super comfortable with each other.

Best Quality: great masseuse. That’s creepy but like, I’m really good.

Worst quality: really can’t lift anything with my arms

Celeb Crush: well I can’t say that… That’d be mean to Chris (Sam smith)

Describe the hook up culture at Penn in 3 words: handjobs are in

Favorite BYO: anything Asian ? Is that obvious

Favorite Drunk eating spot on campus: zestos. Fuck Allegros they have a geographical advantage

Sabiest place to study: didn’t know what sabiest meant until JUST NOW.  But now that I am informed, it’s saxbys hands down.

Advice to your freshman year self: just, don’t

Fun Fact: I started designing sneakers my senior year in high school. My friend one day asked if I could doodle on her beat up vans (I doodle incessantly in class) i said sure, and then she asked me if I could do a Michigan pair!  Then the power of Instagram took over…. I do a pair a month usually.  Check em out! (@shoesbyshard).

Lydia Roberts is a junior at the University of Pennsylvania.  She is majoring in Communication and minoring in Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies, and also in French Studies.  She is an enthusiastic member of an a capella group at Penn and has a affinity for sour gummy candy.