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Why New Years’ Resolutions Are Worth My Time

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

I admit, I still make New Years’ Resolutions. Yes, plural. Will I actually keep all of them, or even most of them? Probably not, and I’m ok with that. I make them not to punish myself if I don’t end up completing them, but instead to encourage myself to make progress on my goals. Even if I only meet a resolution halfway, that’s still improvement, and I would consider that a success. If you are worried about keeping up with your resolutions, I would suggest actually writing down your resolutions. If you need a daily reminder, stick post-it notes on your mirror or anywhere you look often. Here are some of my past and present resolutions I found helpful in guiding myself to reach goals in the year!

1. Watch one movie every month to relax 

This was one of my resolutions last year that I actually kept going for the entire year. It was a great reminder to take some time to myself each month to relax, even in the midst of a busy school schedule. I got to watch some great movies like Inside Out, Finding Dory, and La La Land. I am making this a resolution again this year and I fully expect to actually keep it.

2. Finish the year with a ____ GPA or higher

You can fill in the blank with whatever GPA best suits you. Remember to make it an achievable goal that you will still need to work hard to meet. I set a goal for myself last year, after not doing as well as I would have like to first semester, and ended up exceeding my resolution. Having a concrete number to work toward, that you have written down, keeps everything in perspective.

3. Join one new activity or gain one new position in an existing activity

It’s always fun to explore everything that Michigan has to offer. There are hundreds of activities to choose from, so spending some time finding a new activity that suits your interests will be valuable. Last year I set this goal for myself and I ended up joining a club this past semester that I really enjoy; now I even serve on the executive board. Take a chance and apply for a new club or position!

4. Run a 5K

This is a personal goal of mine this year. I’ve always wanted to get more into running, but I’ve never actually gotten around to doing so. This is a very particular goal, which makes me more likely to actually do it. If I were to just say I want to run more this year, I have nothing to work towards and will probably never start. Set smaller goals first, and you can work up to bigger ones as the year goes on.

5. Read ___ books

Reading is something that I’ve loved to do my entire life but it often is one of the first activities I cut out when I am busy in favor of watching TV or Netflix. However, reading really stimulates your brain, and a good book in my opinion is just as good as the best TV show. I’ve set my own number I want to finish, but that will depend on the particular person!

Good luck on your New Years’ resolutions—I know I’ll need it!

Photos courtesy of Lionsgate, Herzing College, Camp Kesem, Roane County Schools Education Foundation, and Britt Boyle.