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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Going out and drinking are engrained in the common images of college; just watch any recent Hollywood movie (looking at you, Neighbors). But unlike many movie images, this one is somewhat accurate. Alcohol, drugs and partying certainly have a place on many college campuses, including Michigan’s. However, the thing that is never shown in those movies is that not everyone partakes in it and that’s ok. Partying and going out every weekend is not everyone’s favorite pastime, and it’s certainly not mine. Excessive drinking will probably never be a part of my life for many different reasons, and I’m okay with that.

Too many people live their lives with FOMO as one of their main motivators (“fear of missing out” for those unfamiliar). They think that if they stay in, they’ll be missing some amazing party or night with friends that will be talked about forever. Usually, this isn’t even true. If anything, the night will be talked about for a couple of days (if it’s even interesting at all), and then quickly forgotten about as everyone moves on to the next big event. FOMO, in my opinion, is just another name for succumbing to peer pressure. It’s something to blame a decision on, a crutch used to explain away why you went out three nights in a row and are now drowning in school work. In college, balance is the key to success. Excessive drinking and partying would negatively impact my GPA and learning I’m sure because I’ve seen it happen to other people. I didn’t come all the way to Michigan and my parents aren’t paying a ton of money for me to just party. My priority has and will always be school, and no “amazing” party will change that.

I’m definitely not saying that blowing off some steam at a party isn’t necessary every once in a while, and I’ll be the first to admit that Michigan is stressful. Personally, what helps me relax is a movie night with friends or a party with friends (frats are just gross, honestly). I’ve been able to find a great group of friends that also appreciates a balance between going out and staying in, but I know not everyone has. This is especially true for freshmen. If drinking and partying makes you uncomfortable, then don’t do it. No one will force you to and I promise that you’ll find people with similar personalities and interests to you, just give it some time. So no, contrary to popular belief, not everyone wants to spend their Saturday night sweating in a frat basement. And that’s ok.


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