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What He Really Thinks About Your Sex Number & Other Real-Life College Guy Comments

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

1. What do guys think about a girl’s sex number? What are some of the stigmas associated it being low or high?

First, it’s not his business. If the girl doesn’t want to say she shouldn’t feel like she needs to. It shouldn’t matter at all in the first place, but some would even think that the girl would be more interested in his number. Some guys if they know a girls number might be a little hesitant if a number is a bit too high for them, but that would be a personal preference. I don’t think any guy would think that any number is too low, however there’s always the exception to the rule. And this should go without saying, but if a guy has an issue with it at all, he doesn’t sound like someone you should be with in any capacity anyways. I feel like there’s a double standard with stigmas because I’ve heard some guys say “well I don’t want to be her first time, but I also don’t want her to have been around a lot.” It basically creates this stupid impossible double-standard of a number for girls to try and conform to when they shouldn’t have any limitations put on them at all. I say do what you want and if someone has a problem with it, that’s their problem.


2. Girls texting first. Before a hook-up? After a hook-up? What do guys think?

Girls texting first is amazing. Everyone knows about the guys’ three day rule which is crap. I am probably a bit more forward than most, but I never abided by that rule. Girls texting the guy shows the guy a level of interest that will spark his curiosity. Before a hook-up is pretty normal I would think because both people are trying to make sure the other is still interested, but if a girl actually enjoyed being with the guy in whatever capacity that took place, she should absolutely text back after. Obviously wait more than like 10 minutes after he leaves but maybe the next day or two check back. If you wait for him to text you back after there might be two issues: 1) he may not 2) the fact that you didn’t text him back might make him think you didn’t have fun or aren’t interested in continuing things. So tl;dr if you had fun, text him first.

3. Is being “Facebook Official” too high-school? 

Facebook official has become this weird thing now, and I have no idea why. First, it’s stupid to stress out about a relationship status on Facebook. I understand that people have exes or family members or whoever that they don’t want to explain a new relationship to but honestly if you’re that worried about it, change your privacy settings with those people, or just don’t have a Facebook. I’m not saying every couple has to make it “Facebook Official” in order to be a legitimate couple, obviously do whatever you feel most comfortable with, but it’s not really that big of a deal. It’s different as well if you want to wait a few days before you post it, because a relationship isn’t about all of your friends right from the start. It’s about two people and they should be allowed a few days to enjoy the new relationship before all their estranged friends and family ask them about it when they see it online. I will say advantages of doing Facebook is that it allows you to find easy compilations of photos of the two people and might remind some guys when certain dates come up that they might want to pay attention to. So is it “too high school”? No. Should you ever stress about it? Absolutely not.

Images courtesy of: hercampus.com, betches, giphy, tumblr
Senior studying Cellular and Molecular Biology. In my free time I'm a part of the club Michigan Triathlon Team where I train for various triathlons and marathons/half marathons.