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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

I know why you’re stressed. And it’s not what you think.

So many of us wander around campus constantly in the shadow of a gray cloud reminding us that we have a paper due tomorrow morning, three finals next week, and oh yeah, you’re still unemployed! Most of us deal with the stress that is college by viewing it as a sprint, viewing graduation as our finish line. This benchmark is not only unhelpful to our present mindset, but blaringly untrue. None of us really take into account that our future, when we have to be actual adults and do actual adult things, will contain the same obsessive cloud, only it will be bigger and darker, filled with things like a mortgage, an upcoming performance review, and keeping our dogs (and ourselves) fed. Pushing through the stress of college will only lead to even more stress in our future, which makes creating consistent, beneficial ways to destress not only imperative to our current success, but our future success as well.

De-stressing through breaks is common, in fact studies have shown that taking a break every 90-120 minutes actually leads to higher productivity and efficiency. Although many people recognize the need for breaks, most of us are taking breaks completely wrong, instantly counteracting any benefit they were intended to cause.

I’ll prove it to you. What do you do when you have an extra 5 minutes in-between class, or an hour after dinner? Scroll endlessly through your phone? Half-work, half chat with friends? Maybe go for a run (but blast music the entire time)? Sound like you? Don’t worry, it sounds like practically all of us. Taking a break isn’t necessarily about putting down the pencil and letting your mind-wander. Breaks can be incredibly helpful and de-stressful if we use them as a chance to be mindful about ourselves and those around us. Instead of using the next five minutes you have free to check-out, use them to check-in.

Go for a Walk/Run, but leave your phone at home.

Instead of clearing your mind by cranking up your music, use your next run as a chance to zone in on the world you’re living in, without being swallowed whole by it. Ann Arbor is literally gorgeous right now–take 30 minutes out of your routine and notice it.


Face-time in real-time.

How much of the time spent with your friends involves one or both you looking at your phone or computer? If you’re anything like me, the majority of it. Although we may not feel like we are doing anything wrong, we are missing out on valuable time building valuable relationships. Constantly keeping one eye on the screen turns us into habitual multi-taskers, which decrease our ability to engage in the moment. Try taking five minutes every night to check-in with a roommate, friend, or family member. Put your phone, sandwich, and stress down for a minute. Focus purely on the conversation you’re having and the relationship you are not only maintaining, but growing.


Make a Hands-On Meal.

Nothing is more invigorating, or rewarding, than making a truly delicious meal all by yourself (or with the help of a couple roomies). Take a break from No-Thai for one night every week and make a house/dorm/apartment dinner. Pull out all the stops, I’m talkin’ spaghetti squash and baby back ribs. Just try being stressed about an assignment while making a delicious meal (it’s v hard). Don’t forget dessert!  

Next time you take a break, use it as a time to tune in. Just a couple quick tweaks and your monotonous breaks will become moments where you can re-fuel, lower your stress, and turn yourself into a more productive and happy human!


Images courtesy of: Elephant, Womens Running, Pinterest, and Ramblin’ With Roger.

Julie is a sophomore at the University of Michigan who is currently undecided on her major, and loving it. There is a 95% chance that when she is not showering, taking an exam, or sleeping, you will find her drooling over one of the twelve food acocunts she follows on instagram. Her hobbies include quoting every line from Gilmore Girls, planning her wedding to a professional hockey player, and taste testing all of the Michigan dining hall soups. For even more insight into her very eventful life, follow her on instagram @juliefurton.