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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

The time has come. Football season and tailgating season are over, and winter has finally arrived. Saturday is no longer the happiest day of the week, filled with maize and blue, but rather empty days that have to be filled. It is easy to lose the Michigan spirit in the winter, so here are some ways to use your Saturdays efficiently and prepare for the next semester. 


1) Get ready for class registration!

If you didn’t already know this, backpacking has begun. It is time to think about your next semester classes and organize your schedule to prepare for December registration. Now, this may seem very stressful for those of us who have no idea what classes to take. To make this process simpler, make an appointment with an advisor! It doesn’t even have to be your advisor, it can be any that are available in the time you need. How do you do this you ask? Well, the process is super simple. All you have to do is call the Newnan Academic Advising Center at 734.764.0332 and they will set you up with the next available appointment. I promise, it’s not scary at all.

2) Beware the Darkness

As winter is approaching, the sunlight is starting to diminish slowly but surely. Not only is it getting darker much earlier, but the gloomy clouds are constantly covering the much needed sunlight. It is scientifically proven that humans need sunlight in order to avoid Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This is a temporary depressive state that is due to a lack of light or changing of the seasons and can result in a depletion of energy or a change in mood. In order to avoid this, students can wander over to the Union, or more specifically, the Wellness Zone. Here students can use artificial full spectrum sunlamps to avoid any chance of getting SAD.

3) The Dreaded Finals

In about 3 weeks, students will be jacked up on caffeine, lacking sleep and their minds because of..dun dun dun..finals. The time between Thanksgiving break and winter break is a full blown stress pandemonium with students trying their best to get a desirable grade. So to relieve  stress, students can enjoy various activities. First of all, they say laughter is the best medicine, so to alleviate stress students can check out one of the many student run improv groups for a good laugh. Students can also take a break from their studies by treating themselves to dinner with friends. It is important to stay socially active because positive human connections can help reduce stress levels. Lastly, students can track their stress levels by downloading the app T2 Mood Tracker. This enables enables users to evaluate and monitor their fluctuating moods.

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