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GET IT TOGETHER! 4 Ways to Get A No-Fail Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

The first couple weeks of school are always a whirlwind. Between moving in, welcome week, catching up with friends and starting classes—it’s all a blur. So often we can lose track of things like working out and getting work done, in between trying to still make it to Skeeps on a Tuesday. By establishing a routine early, you will find yourself in a much better place the entire semester.

Plan in advance: Put out all your syllabi in a place you can always see them. Set different highlight colors for different classes so that you can always keep up with your progress and know what you need to complete.


Set a time to work out: By now, Add/Drop is over, so your schedules should be pretty set. Try to pick the same time at least three days a week to walk, go to the IM, or find a yoga class; something to get you moving. By working out regularly, you’ll not only feel better, but you will be glad you’re working off some of those nights out!


Get a solid sleep schedule: Even if your classes aren’t at the same time every day, getting up at about the same time every morning will help you have a solid schedule and minimize sleepiness, while maximizing your productivity!


Get Organized: In addition to leaving all your syllabi front and center, get a big desk planner so you can write out all your deadlines for the month. The big boxes give you space to write in social events and class due dates so you’re always sure to have everything done before you head out!


By pre-planning your weeks, you know what you have to do and when you have to do it so that there are no surprises. You’ll find yourself ending up with more time to do what you want when you’re not wasting time deciding when to get that paper or online homework done. Time management is an important element to learn in college that will translate to adulthood. Get ahead early on so you won’t fall behind later and you can enjoy all those football Saturdays and Charley’s trivia nights without guilt.

Elizabeth is a Senior at The University of Michigan and the Managing Editor of HC UMich. She is majoring in Communications, Screen Arts and Cultures and minoring in Writing. When she's not writing for HC, she works for the Big Ten Network Student U.