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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Winter break is just around the corner, but until then it’s late nights at the library, excessive coffee consumption and dreaming about the days when you could actually go out on the weekends. But have no fear! When finals are over, the holidays begin. A fun thing to do with your friends before you head home for a couple of weeks is to do a Secret Santa gift exchange! We’ve compiled a list of some ideas to get you started.


Cards Against Humanity (perfect for the funny/sarcastic friend)

Fun Mug (perfect for the Starbucks addict)


Scratch Map (perfect for the friend going abroad)

Holiday Candle (perfect for the happy-go-lucky friend)


Popcorn Seasoning (perfect for the movie/Netflix-loving friend)


Beauty Calender (perfect for the hair/makeup guru)