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5 Ways to Ensure You’re Prepared for This Crazy Michigan Weather

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

A typical day in Michigan right now starts off cold and dark, heats up with some sunshine mid afternoon, and starts pouring by the evening. Here are some easy tips to ensure that you’re ready for whatever crazy turns the day (and its weather) takes. 

1. Layer

Add a cute flannel, scarf, or jean jacket to a sweater or long sleeve shirt to make sure that you’re ready for the inevitable jump from cold to hot and back to cold that seems to happen everyday. 

2. Be ready for the rain

Whether it’s keeping a rain poncho inside your backpack for emergencies or wearing a raincoat or rain boots for the day, be ready for the rain. Nothing is worse than being caught in the Diag after class in the pouring rain with nothing to keep you dry!

3. Keep your sunglasses with you

It’s weird to get back into this habit after the dreary winter, but start parking your sunglasses in your backpack before you leave for the day. It might seem unnecessary going to your 9 a.m. while it’s still dark and gray, but you’ll thank yourself when you leave class and it’s suddenly bright and sunny. 

4. Don’t underestimate the wind

No matter if it’s warm and sunny, cold and rainy, or somewhere in between, do not forget about the wind. You could be dressed perfectly for the temperature, but remember to always check the wind chill and be prepared to dress a little warmer and bundle up a little tighter. 

4. Check the hourly weather forecast

When most people check the weather, they look at the daily summary and make their decisions solely based on that. However, it’s important to look at the hourly weather to see just what craziness the weather has in store!


Images courtesy of lifestuffs.com, media.mercola.com, nibis.de, aliexpress.com, and weather.com.