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5 Tips on Staying Sane During Exams

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Hi everyone!

I know these next few weeks are not what I would call fun. I am already up to my ears in stress and my head is exploding with the amount of work I need to get done, but the key to being successful on exams is staying calm, cool, and collected. Here are a few of my tips to stay sane during exams: 

1. Start early– you should feel comfortable with the information that you are being tested on. Do not wait until the day before to start studying. You do not retain much information when you cram. When you start early you can see material that you have trouble with so you can ask your professor or GSI instead of waiting until the last minute. 

2. Flashcards, study guides, and Quizlets are your BFF. Just reading over your notes does not always work. Rewriting my notes is what I typically do. I find that I take in more information when I write it down than when I type it. I also find people in class to trade study guides with so that we can compare notes and help each other.  But don’t always study with people – it can become distracting. Find a place where you can block out distractions, turn off your phone, and concentrate. Minimize as many distractions as possible (no Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!!) 

3. Ask questions! Email your teachers or friends with any questions. I always find that what I do not review the most is the BIGGEST portion of the exam. Know everything before you walk in. Use office hours as a chance to learn more and listen to what other people say during them. If there is a review session, 100% go! They are the most helpful and typically go over exactly what is on the exam. 

4. Exercise, eat right, and sleep- make sure to take good care of yourself so that you do not get sick during exams. Brain food is key– don’t binge eat on pizza and cheesy bread late night, becuase you won’t feel good the next day. I always keep power bars on me so that I can quickly eat one as a snack. Make sure to take breaks so that you do not fry your brain! 

5. Prepare and overprepare– you should go into the exam confident and prepared. Tell yourself, “I know I will kill it!” Do not freak yourself out, if you study and try hard you will succeed. If you make yourself crazy, you will overthink. Go with your gut! 

Good luck everyone and enjoy your winter break! XOXO