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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

School work, social life, classes – everyone has those days when showering is just not a priority. But then again, we all know that the winter makes your hair dryer, faster. How is it possible to ever have a good hair day?

That’s where I come in:

1. Hats


Hats are a super easy way to cover up your greasy roots and look trendy at the same time. Wearing a beanie indoors is definitely acceptable, especially in this freezing weather! 

2. Dry Shampoo

If you’re rushing out the door and notice your hair is looking pretty grungy, grab some dry shampoo! Just spray some on your roots and rub it in. It’ll buy you some extra hours before you really need to wash your hair.

3. Big Headbands

Big and wide headbands are another great way to cover up a bad hair day. There are so many styles to match every personality, such as wrap around, patterned, bows, and more! 

4. Messy Bun

Messy buns will absolutely disguise your messy hair. You can go for a high or low bun. If your hair is already knotty, no one will even notice!

5. Earmuff Headband

Just another way to stay warm, look stylish, and fix a bad hairdo. Keep your ears and head toasty and look chic at the same time!



Images courtesy of Urban Outfitters, Forver 21, Ulta, and The Small Things Blog.