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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

I think the majority of Collegiettes could agree that our hair is important to us. It’s a form of expression, something we have the power to change when life seems to spiral out of control. That being said, most of us have one special hairdresser where our heart and trust lies.

It’s no secret that with breakups usually come haircuts. As I was sitting in the chair my last time at the salon, I began to realize all the reasons hair dressers are SO much more important than sucky boyfriends.

1. They are close with your family

This may not apply to everyone. However, those it does apply to know that a hair dresser can actually become a very close family friend. My hair dresser has come to family parties, we went to her wedding, and she was the first person to ever cut my hair.

Not that sucky boyfriends can’t be close with the family, but if a first hair cut isn’t a strong bond, then I don’t know what is.

2. They know ALL the details of your life

On average, most girls see their hairdressers about every six months. The time it takes to do your hair is precious. It’s used to catch up on what has happened in the time you’ve spent apart. They remember how well you are doing in school, the details of your cousin’s pregnancy, all the reasons your last relationship failed, and even sometimes the details of your best friend’s relationship.

Talking to a sucky boyfriend, on the other hand, can just as good as talking to a brick wall.

#3 They FIX the things that make you upset

You hate your haircut? You’re tired of your old hair? Stressed and need a change? They are there.

Sucky boyfriends? They never fix the things that make you upset, hence the sucky.

4. They accept your tardiness

When you make an appointment they actually know, right down to the minute, how late you will be. Someone who accepts this about you is hard to come by in life.

Meanwhile, your boyfriend will tell you to meet him at 3:00 PM, and be shocked and angry when you show up at 3:15. This is me, I’ve never been on time. If you want to meet at 3:00, you should know by now to tell me to be there by 2:45.

#5 They are great hosts

When you go to a salon they offer you water, tea, coffee. Anyone who offers me FREE coffee automatically makes my day. 

6. They make your dreams come true

You want to have purple hair and look like Katy Perry in her latest music video? No problem. You have curly hair and want it straight? No problem. You have straight hair and want it curly? Consider it done. They should really be called hair genies.  

Once you have your new great hair, don’t expect your sucky boyfriend to notice. Here is your warning: he probably won’t.

7. They help you become the person you want to be

Now I know that sounds far-fetched but hey, just ask Miley Cyrus. She got a haircut and is doing, well, whatever it is that she wants. A haircut can go a long way. Sometimes it takes cutting your hair in order to build the confidence you need to do something. So what if it is the small first step of a long journey? The little steps still count.

After reading this I hope that you never underestimate the importance of your hair dresser. Cherish them, love them, and thank them for all that they do.

As for the sucky boyfriends? Leave them behind. Trust me, your new hair cut will make you feel more empowered than they ever did.  

Photo Sources: 1, 23, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst