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How To: Prepare Your Body for the Sun!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Her Campus How To: 
Prepare your skin, hair, and nails for the summertime sunshine!


Does your skin feel or look like leather? This is because the harsh winter air has sucked all the moisture out of it, leaving you dry and scaly. Don’t worry, it’s simple to fix!

  • First, run a warm bath, not scalding hot, but warm enough you won’t shiver. Throw in a couple cups of lavender bath salts. Bath salts are harsh enough to take off dead skin, yet soft enough to not tear your skin up. Lavender is also a soothing herb that is could for your skin and mind.
  • Secondly, I would take an exfoliating scrubber and rub your feet, especially your heels. This will take off the extra hard, dead skin and the bath salts will aid in making them softer.
  • Lastly, avoid fake and baking. Put your tanning packages on hold for the summer. There is only a few more months until you can soak up some real sunshine which is much healthier for your skin. However, don’t forget to apply at least 35 spf and avoid being in direct sunlight for more than 30 minutes at a time!


Is your hair dry, cracking and full of split ends? Again, this is the harsh winter air and lack of vitamins from the UV rays during the winter months.

  •  It’s simple to fix. Get a trim! You don’t have to be drastic and go Halle Berry short, but you can cut a solid two or three inches of dead hair and split ends off. Once the sun starts shining on a regular basis, soak up the Vitamin B’s and Vitamin A and your hair will look shinier and much healthier!


Cuticles get dry, start to crack and hang nails appear like they are a regular thing.

  • If you are a fortunate college student who can afford to have someone take care of the nails for you, LUCKY! If not, don’t be ashamed to hit up the Dollar Tree in Orono and get a cuticle trimmer, a file and a clipper, you could probably find them all in one! 
  • Soak you finger nails in warm water for at least 10 minutes, throw in some lavender salts to make them even softer.
  • Carefully cut and trim your nails and cuticles until clean and fresh looking. Lotion with a scentless moisturizer, and before you know it, your hand will be silky smooth!!

Now go enjoy the sunshine, worry free!!


photo credit: google images