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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Just a friendly little reminder:

Every girl I talk to recently (myself included) never fails to mention something she thinks she is doing poorly or how her life is a mess “but it’s fine”. We as women are constantly beating ourselves up over the goals we haven’t immediately achieved, the mistake we made on a homework, or the food we are eating. Or even worse, we are constantly criticizing they way we look. I’m pretty sure my roommate and I sound like The Plastics when we are looking at ourselves because we find it so easy to pick out the flaws in our hair, skin, outfits and makeup- for no reason! We as women just find it so easy, and it is genuinely concerning.

We are constantly caught up in world where everything has to be perfect, and it is easy to think that if you aren’t perfect then you aren’t as good as the girl sitting next to you in class. But it’s time for us to realize that this isn’t true. It’s time for us as women to have a little positivity about ourselves and realize that confidence and being self-centered are not the same thing.

This is not to mean that we should throw away our goals of working out more or eating better, but we should change our way of thinking. We should go to the gym because it feels good and eat eating broccoli because we like the way it tastes. We shoudl be putting on makeup in the morning because we like wearing makeup. So instead of focusing on why we can’t or aren’t doing something, we have to focus on all of the amazing things we do have, things like: your best friend, you parents, your teammates/ sisters, your health, and your ability to be able to attend college.

Not to mention that everyone has his or her strengths and weaknesses. No one is meant to be perfect. So don’t beat yourself up so much and remember that you have things you have accomplished, and things to look forward to. You’ve got this.

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Calen is a fourth year Mass Communications major with a Marketing minor and a Psychology minor at the University of Maine. She is a sister of Alpha Phi and enjoys hiking at home in the Rocky Mountains, traveling, reading, and spending time with family and friends.
Chloe is a fourth-year Mass Communication major at the University of Maine. She is the Editor-in-Chief/Campus Correspondent of Her Campus UMaine. She is also contributing editor for Odyssey UMaine. Check out her blog at https://cdyer.bangordailynews.com/. She is passionate about writing, and in her free time enjoys reading, traveling and blogging.