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Modern Fem(me): Top 8 Reasons We Need Feminism in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Yes, we live in a country where the standards of living, for most people, are higher than the majority of world; yes, women have more rights than other women in said countries. Such mindsets have even spawned a “we don’t need feminism” trend, because American women just have it so good, right? Well, at least compared to everyone else. But why stop short of equality? Since women are not in immediate physical danger—an argument up for debate—why should we complain, be combative, or demand equal treatment on all fronts. The basis of feminism is equality, but the practice may not be so easy within a society of ingrained sexism.

Women make up the majority of college enrollment, so shouldn’t we dominate campus? Unfortunately, that is not the case, and until that happens this is why we need feminism in college:


1. Our minds should be more valued than our bodies. In other words, what we say is more important than how we look. 


2. To make the MRS degree obsolete. 


3. To prove that demanding respect does not make us “bitches,” or less womanly. How can assertiveness be appreciated in men and contemptible in women? Emotions are neither masculine nor feminine. 


4. To prove that both masculine and feminine traits are equally important.


5. To dispel negative connotations of the words feminism and feminist. Do you believe in the equality of the sexes? Yes? Then you support the feminist plight. There are various disputes that occur within feminism all the time, so let yourself build your own ideology using equality as a foundation. 


6. To be  f***ing empowered. To believe in yourself and truly aspire to fulfill your dreams, not limited by any restraints, is a beautiful thing that every person should have the right to. 


7. To support each other. Societal pressures can be particularly hard for young women, and if we spend more time investing in each other rather than tearing each other down we can cover a lot more ground. 


8. We can be feminists and love men too. Seriously, it’s true! Sorry, mother of dragons…

*GIFs courtesy of giphy.com

A like longs walks on a short plank. 
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.