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How To: Deal With Your Roommate & Two Random Guys

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.
How To: Deal with Your Roommate+ Two Random Guys
After a long week, you finally get the chance to catch up on some sleep.  You are in the midst of a dream about vacationing in Maui and you are interrupted by the slamming of a door and combustion of giggles. You realized your roommate is home; you roll over and hope she settles down until you are interrupted again by the low rumble of raspy laughter. Your roommate has brought two random guys back to the room.

Survey the Canvas
Listen to what is going on to identify the intentions of your roommate and her guest. Listen to see how if they are just dropping by to get her forgotten phone charger or if they are staying. If their presences begin to bother you too much do not ignore it get up and check out what is going on. Sometime letting your roommate know that you are awake and aware of the situation might make her reconsider her decision to bring guest home. Just making your presence known is a non-confrontational way to handle the situation.

Make a Decision
If you feel uncomfortable with the unexpected guest you can approach your roommate. If your roommate has been drinking she probably will not understand anything you are saying. If this is an issue you can try to contact a friend and see if you can leave for the night. Remember to take your valuable items with you.  The next day be prepared to have a conversation with your roommate.

Full time English/Studio Arts major, Full-time visionary. Native Chicagoan and a true city girl. In love with love and a frequent contributing writer for the HC-UIowa Modern Love column(however not frequent enough). Current endeavor?  Proud Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus UIowa, I am progressively expanding the chapter's reach through creative, fun, and informative content with a unique publication voice. I also have published content for diffrent on-line and print media. I love everything HC, but when I am not writing, editing, or publishing I am trying out the latest health trends in fitness and food, hanging out with friends, or fueling a bad habit of on-line shopping. Future endeavor? Editor-in Chief of a magazine something like Glamour, Cosmo, or Self. Want to keep up with me? Follow me on Twitter @EllandreaM
Peter Frankman is an underclassman at the University of Iowa from Burbank, California. He has a few addictions in his life: writing, reading, heavy metal, Adult Swim, and any movie with zombies. He joined The University of Iowa's Her Campus team as the writer of the "From a Guy's Perspective" articles in January 2011 and hasn't looked back since (except to make sure he doesn't write the same article twice). Peter's a major in both Journalism and Creative Writing and hopes to become a writer in some way, shape or form after he graduates. That or the President of the United States, he hasn't really focused too much to say anything decisive yet... or maybe he has, we're not quite sure. If he had to choose a night of guilty pleasures it would include the Beastie Boys, Monster Import: Light, Zebra Cakes, and a marathon of subpar movies that he thinks are amazing (Blade, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Fast and the Furious, etc).