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Hostess with the Mostest: Friendsgiving Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Thanksgiving is a time for food, friends…. and wine. Lots of wine. Before you take off for Thanksgiving break with your family, hosting a friendsgiving with your close friends at college is a fun way to display your cooking skills and catch up before break, all while stuffing your face. Being a host, however, can be a stressful and challenging task. Never fear; impress your BFFs with these helpful tips and tricks.

The host makes the turkey and the potatoes & gravy. When hosting friendsgiving, you are only obligated to make the turkey, potatoes and gravy. Anything else, and you may be overwhelmed. Here are some great turkey recipes and cooking tips, potato and gravy recipes. This leads us to the next tip…

(If your turkey turns out this beautiful, I’ll definitely be your friend for the night)

Assign side dishes and desserts to guests. Let guests know ahead of time that you are making the turkey, potatoes and gravy, and only the turkey, potatoes and gravy. Make sure you communicate to them that it’s their job to cook and bring side dishes and desserts. It’s smart to assign them, so you don’t end up with one vegetable and five pumpkin pies (although that wouldn’t be all bad…)

We’ve allllll been there, Dory

Set a cute, creative table setting. As college students, this obviously does not involve fine china or expensive glassware. However, tapping into your creative side can come in handy when setting the table. There are plenty of cheap, DIY table settings. Check out some Pinterest-worthy ideas here & here.

There should be good tunes playing. You, or someone who has good taste in music, should assemble a feel-good playlist for the night. The host should also have or borrow speakers of some kind to play the music.

Make sure there is plenty of wine. This tip speaks for itself…



Photo via Pinterest, Hallmark, Buzzfeed, Some e-cards,

Hannah is a junior at The University of Iowa. She is a student in The UI School of Journalism and Mass Communication, as well as the Communications Undergrad Program. She is actively involved on campus, and enjoys cooking & working out. She's obsessed with her dog, Toby and hopes to one day work in fashion public relations.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.