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From A Guy’s Perspective: How Much We Want To Hear About Your Periods

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

  When guys talk about the “Crimson Tide,” we mean the University of Alabama’s football time, not about whatever is going on in your pants. Just sayin’.
            If every guy said, “BONERSPLOSION” every time he got an erection, you probably wouldn’t want to hear about it either, and yeah, it does take some extreme self-control to not do that.
            Let me start by saying what I think. I have seven sisters. Seven. Okay, so only one is my “real” full-blooded sister, but they are my sisters all the same. Growing up with my single mother and sisters I was exposed to this kind of gory discussion since I was young. I’m not bothered by it. The only time that I’ll get bothered by a girl talking about her period is when they say something like, “OMG I’m so horny right now cause I’m on my period.”
            Yeah, you might be saying “ew” too. It is disgusting, so stop doing it.
            It’s not disgusting cause it’s unnatural, it is totally natural and a beautiful thing and blah blah blah, but the association of something that guys don’t want to hear about with something that we do want to hear about.
            Think about this, a guy starts to talk about how his penis is bleeding…
            Think about it.
            Think about it.
            Stop thinking about it because you don’t/shouldn’t want to.
            Seriously, that may come across as horrifically offensive of a comparison or unreal or something, but it is the only real way that I can explain how some guys might think about some girls having their period.
            Most guys.
            Actually, I have no idea if it’s most guys. It’s not me, and it isn’t to most guys who are in long-term relationships because they become so comfortable with their girlfriend and everything that happens with her. They aren’t bugged by it.
            Guys aren’t naive to the biology of women. I mean, at least the guys that women in college should be talking to about their periods.
            The thing that has guys bothered by periods is the fact that we don’t know everything about it. We don’t have periods and we don’t want to be involved in them.
            Author H.P. Lovecraft said it best:
            “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.”
            Just… why would you want to talk to a guy about it? I mean I suppose mentioning that you’re on your period as a bullshit reason to act like a crazy bitch. (Just going off on a tangent. If for, say six years, I knew that I would be feeling like garbage once a week, I would try to adjust my behavior so that I didn’t make everyone else feel like crap for that week too). To be honest, I actually can understand and sympathy enough to get a girl who is on her period some tampons. It must suck. I compare it to having the flu and asking someone else to get me soup, it’d be nice.           
            The thing is, not everyone will get you soup, and even less people, mainly guys, will get you tampons. A lot of us feel uncomfortable about it and they have every right to do so, just let it alone.
            Overall, you need to let a guy be who he is. He’ll get more familiar with you over time (probably) and will eventually be open to talk about your periods if that is something that is completely necessary to happen (maybe). Don’t bring it up with a guy you don’t know very well, I mean… why would you do that? What positive value could possibly come from it? Just don’t get into details if it has to be brought up.

Peter Frankman is an underclassman at the University of Iowa from Burbank, California. He has a few addictions in his life: writing, reading, heavy metal, Adult Swim, and any movie with zombies. He joined The University of Iowa's Her Campus team as the writer of the "From a Guy's Perspective" articles in January 2011 and hasn't looked back since (except to make sure he doesn't write the same article twice). Peter's a major in both Journalism and Creative Writing and hopes to become a writer in some way, shape or form after he graduates. That or the President of the United States, he hasn't really focused too much to say anything decisive yet... or maybe he has, we're not quite sure. If he had to choose a night of guilty pleasures it would include the Beastie Boys, Monster Import: Light, Zebra Cakes, and a marathon of subpar movies that he thinks are amazing (Blade, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Fast and the Furious, etc).