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Campus Celeb: Lina Khodor

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Meet Campus Celeb Lina Kohdor! Originally from Santa Monica, California, Lina has made her way from the big city to Sioux City, Iowa. Her always-on-fleek lipstick, love for social justice and spicy attitude is hard to miss on campus (and the fact that she’s under 5 feet tall!). You can find her doing homework at Java House, participating in your local protest, or coming in and out of the Women’s Resource Action Center (WRAC) house. 

First off, explain what WRAC stands for and does.

LK: The Women’s Resource and Action Center (WRAC) does a multitude of things, including, but not limited to: advocating for equity for ALL identities, providing confidential counseling as well as support groups, and creating a safe space for those who seek one. WRAC is also dedicated to offer training and knowledge about cultural humility and by-stander intervention.

What made you want to join? 

LK: I have always been interested in social justice, particularly for women of color, and WRAC’s values and goals align with mine. The staff is amazing and welcoming, as well as committed to their cause. WRAC truly gives you an opportunity to help the community and to do something important to you. If there is a certain issue that I’m passionate about, they are more than willing to put in the effort and time to find a way to address the issue and bring attention and awareness to it.  

What’s your definition of feminism?

LK: The idea of feminism is quite simple, actually: it is the social, political and economic equity of all sexes. My feminism will ALWAYS include trans women, sex workers, women of color, disabled women, intersex women, poor women, larger women…women that are often neglected. 

What are some accomplishments you’ve had while being apart of WRAC? 

LK: WRAC made me more aware of the corruption in choosing the University’s new president, and because of that, I was involved in the protest. It also gave me the opportunity to collaborate with other organizations, such as UI Students for Human Rights, so I could become more aware of the Syrian Refugee Crisis as well as other issues. One of my passions is advocating for women of color, and WRAC has given me the opportunity to be a group facilitator, which allows me to create a support group for women who feel marginalized by their gender, race, ethnicity, etc.

One thing you want UIowa students to know about WRAC? 

LK: The one thing I want UI students to know about WRAC is that women’s issues are still relevant. Racial issues are still relevant. LGBTQ+ issues are still relevant. Overcoming these issues and creating an equitable community, which is WRAC’s goal, is something that needs EVERYONE, not just women, not just people of color, and not just those in the LGBTQ+ community. WRAC is open to all identities, not just women, and the issues it deals with affects everyone in some way.

Allison Bradley is a 19 year old Chicago native and full time University of Iowa student with a penchant for DIYs, fashion, and coffee.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.