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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

We’re almost there! We had a taste of break during Thanksgiving, but we’ve come back to reality. Finals are just a couple of weeks away, and after that, we’re home free for a whole month. Here are some cozy ideas for relaxing on your time off—something to look forward to, for sure!

1. Listen to an Afternoon Acoustic playlist on Spotify

Putting on a calm, relaxing playlist as background music is the perfect way to set the mood for a relaxing day at home. Spotify has plenty, just pick whichever one makes you feel the most at home.

2. Take a long, hot bath

And don’t let it be a sub-par bath. Throw in some Epsom salts to release muscle tension, and add a few drops of essential oils for soothing scents that can relieve stress.

3. Wear your comfiest pajamas all day

We’re talking fleece pajama pants and the biggest worn-in sweatshirt you own. Rock your look with a messy bun after a long, hot shower, and you’re good to go.

4. Watch a movie with all the lights off, surrounded by 20 pillows

Basically, make yourself an at-home movie theater. You’ll need the softest blankets and popcorn with M&Ms in addition to your 20 pillows to get the full experience, trust us.  

5. Go on a walk in comfy clothes and enjoy the scenery

Now that you’re home, take advantage of what you’ve been missing out on and take a walk or lazy bike ride down your hometown’s back-roads and enjoy the scenery. 

6. Order in your favorite food

For me, this would be some nice, unhealthy Chinese food. Pizza works just as well, as long as you feel like you’re indulging yourself.

7. Have an at-home spa day

Let Pinterest be the boss of this. Search some DIY face and hair masks that you can make in the comfort of your own home. Throw on a robe and some slippers, and utilize that Afternoon Acoustic playlist we mentioned earlier. You’ll feel like you’re at a luxury spa in no time.

8. Start a new book for fun

You can’t deny that a little bit of light reading can cure stress no matter what. Take your mind off of whatever is stressing you out, and let yourself enjoy a different story, other than the ones your English professor assigns you.

9. Sit in a coffee shop and write

This one is for the bloggers and journal-lovers out there. Something about the buzzing of an espresso machine, coffee-shop-type background music and a secluded corner table soothes the senses.

10. Sign up for an exercise class

Sometimes, the best way to get rid of all your stress is to sweat it out. Take a chance on your hometown yoga studio, maybe sign up for a kickboxing class, even a Zumba class can cleanse your body of all the stress that is weighing you down.

Now that you have the tools to relaxing, take advantage of them! Seriously, we all deserve a little pampering after finals, so don’t exclude yourself from the opportunity to kick back, relax and enjoy your time off. 

Hey, I'm Emma! I’m a lover of writing as much as I am a lover of mochas, breakfast food, and all things striped. As of right now, I am a freshman at the University of Iowa, studying Journalism and Mass Communications.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.