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10 Thoughts Everyone has While Registering for Classes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Welp the time has come, the days we have all been dreading are finally here. Whether you have the great privilege of early registration, or you have to wait until official registration day like the rest of us, it is not something any of us want to have to go through. Who knew that registering for classes could be so stressful? Here are thoughts all college students have while registering for classes.

I don’t know what to do with my life!

Ok, this one might be the days before registration, but still it is one that is quite popular. Registration day is just a cruel reminder of the complete chaos we feel when thinking about our future. How are we supposed to decide what classes to take for the whole next semester when we can’t even decide what to have for dinner?

What time is it? What time? WHAT TIME?

We all have a specific time that registration opens, and it is CRUCIAL to log in instantly to be sure no one took that last spot of your perfectly timed Intro to Lit class.

Where’s my schedule?!

By the time you can log on to register, you already have the perfectly planned out, most convenient schedule ever all drawn out beautifully on a piece of paper. It works until you lose it, or those early registers crush your dreams…just you wait.


Ain’t nobody got time for that much stressin’.

Take the 8 a.m. or wait until 3 p.m. for this class?

NOOOO, 8 a.m.’s don’t sound that bad at the time, but trust me once you start running on zero sleep, good luck with that one.

This class is also online, hmmm?

You would be lying if you said you’ve never had the mental conversation of whether or not to take a class online or actually in person. 

One spot left, hurry!

That moment you turn into turbo mode when you click to search the class you want, and you see only one spot left…

If I schedule this class at 9:30s on Tuesday and then switch that class to a three hour night class, I won’t have classes on Fridays. SCORE!

The struggle is real when trying to menuever classes just right to get at least one day with no classes during the week. Friday is preferred, but hey, we’ll take whatever we can get.

I looked that professor up on Rate My Professor, no way. Oh, here everyone says he’s easy.

What would we do without Rate My Professor? It’s everyone’s go-to and has definitely saved a few grades along the way. Better hope some of yours are on there!

Done! Thank goodness I don’t have to think about these classes for another 4 months.

Well unless you’re taking summer classes, you suckers are screwed.

Photos: 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Hi, my name is Lexi Atzen. I am a Sophomore at the University of Iowa and am working on a major in Journalism and Mass Communication with an interest in Human Relations. I have strong interests in running, writing, drinking coffee, and football. You can catch me in Kinnick on gamedays and in a coffee shop any other time.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.