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Mother’s Day Thoughts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delaware chapter.

Throughout our lifetimes, we will meet tons of people who impact us in different ways, whether it be good or bad. People disappoint us and walk out of our lives when we need them the most, and some amazing people walk into our lives at that very same time. But one person who is there for us from the very start, and stays with us until the very end is our mother.

Truthfully, I can’t articulate the words to explain just how much I love my mom. For that reason, I try to show it through things other than words. I try to show it in my actions, and I try to show it in every aspect of myself and in the woman I’m becoming, which is one I hope makes my Mom proud. I hope to be half the woman she  is one day, and hope I can make her anywhere near as proud as she makes me.

This past Fall, my mom lost her mother to cancer, and for the first time in my life I was able to first-handedly see just how much of an effect a mother can have on her daughter, even after she’s gone. And that’s when I realized; a mother’s love she shares with her kids is something so unique. My mom loves me differently than anyone else, in the sense she is always completely honest with me, even at times when the truth hurts. But because of this, I will be a better person. Because of this, I will learn the most important lessons of my life from the most important person in my life. My mom has been there for me throughout every failure, every breakup and every other obstacle I’ve faced. And at these times, she has told me exactly what I needed to hear, even if it wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear. She wants the best for me, as most of our mother’s do. And truthfully, I would not change any memory or moment I’ve shared with my mom, even the bad ones. Because as cliché as it sounds, the bad times make you appreciate the good times. And the good times make you appreciate the great times. And all of these times make me appreciate my Mom, and the undying love she has for me.

As Cardinal Memillod once said, “A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.” My mom is my best friend, my confidant and my role model, and I wouldn’t trade our relationship for the world.

Amanda Schuman is a junior at the University of Delaware. She is currently majoring in communications with a concentration in mass media and double minoring in journalism and interactive media. Amanda is passionate about all things communications whether it's social media, public relations, writing or just networking. In her free time she can be found watching sit-coms on Netflix, with a book in hand or eating anything sweet. You can follow her @bluehen_amanda