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Changing Majors: The Normalcy Of It

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delaware chapter.

When you were three years old, you were probably asked by someone, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Of course the best thing in the world at that time in your life was to think that one day you’d be one of two things, “a princess” or “an astronaut.” But, maybe you were that one kid that said, “I want to be nurse” or a journalist or maybe even a stockbroker. Whatever it was, you became dead set on it.

For me, personally, I have reached my goal of becoming a princess. However, maybe that’s why I can’t decide on a real career. Not only have I transferred colleges, but halfway through my sophomore year, I changed my major as well.  

I went into college dead set on being a communications major and eventually minoring in journalism in the hopes of becoming a sports broadcaster. I was involved in my university’s student run sports show as well as interning for a local sports broadcasting show. I had everything lined up. I even have a cousin in Georgia who is their head-honcho weather man and could’ve gotten me an internship for his company.

But, the heart wants what the heart wants and so for my second semester here at UDel, I decided to switch to a psychology major and health and nutrition minor to become a sports psychologist. I honestly should’ve seen this coming because I took so many psychology and anatomy courses in high school and it’s always been my passion. I can finally see that now.

While I am a little behind, there’s no shame in having to take some extra courses during the winter or summer. Graduating on time? Pshh, no one does that anymore.

The majority of college kids switch their majors at some point during their time in higher learning. Heck, my roommate has switched her major three times. It is so normal to do that it’s become almost a tradition. Does that mean that they fall behind? Well, yes and no. Yes because some majors require you to be only an “interest” until you take the required classes and can apply to become a permanent major. But no because sometimes, your credits transfer to that major, which is what happened in my case.

If you still don’t know what you want to do or can’t decide on a future, IT’S OK. You’re going to be fine. You are not alone and you will eventually find the one career path that makes your heart feel like you’re in the right spot.

Even if you are a junior that has to restart, completely refresh and become a freshman, technically, who cares? In the long run it will pay off because you will love what you do, work hard at it and pay off your debts.

So remember, even if you’ve fulfilled your childhood dream of becoming a princess or astronaut, you still have a real life with a real career in your future. It won’t be as easy as becoming one of your childhood dreams, but it will be worth it to when you’re absolutely sure it’s what you want to do…no matter how long that takes.







Addison Reich is a lively, fun and energetic girl of 21 years old. She is a Junior Psychology major with a Minor in Health & Wellness at the University of Delaware. Ad started as Udel's junior editor, but has since worked her way to becoming their Co-CC! Addison loves to write articles about personal experience and opinion. She transferred from a different university in the fall of her sophomore year, leaving behind a volleyball scholarship, but not her passion for sports, as she is working on becoming a sports psychologist. She also loves hunting, singing and Taylor Swift. If you notice, it's her token to add a picture of Swift in every header of her articles. Keep on the lookout for the next one!