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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

It’s that time of year again where your life could probably use some organizing. This can be anything from de-cluttering your room to getting rid of files on your computer. Here’s some tips for a successful spring cleaning:



First off, organizing your cell phone can be very beneficial. Go through the apps on your phone and delete those that haven’t been opened in forever  (we all have those) and ones that you can’t remember why you downloaded. This is a good way to clear up some storage and only leave room for the essentials (like Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat of course). 

Also, cell phones use a ton of storage through saved text conversations. Go through your messages and delete those that are really old, and those that you never want to look at again, for whatever reason.

Next, I know it’s painful, but if you’re someone who has thousands of unread emails, this is the time to go through them. Deleting emails can also preserve storage, and maybe you’ll find something that was actually important for you to open (hopefully it’s not too late). 

Lastly, it’s also good to look through your photos and make sure they are all backed up so you don’t lose them. You can also delete unnecessary pics like screenshots you don’t need anymore.


Spring is a great time to go through your computer and clean out your files. College students save tons of documents throughout the year whether it’s essays, readings, or homework assignments. So, the end of the school year is the perfect time to get rid of all the stuff you never want to see again. Open your files and go through all those word docs and pdfs that are of no use to you anymore. Remember the control key is a life-saver if you want to select multiple files and delete them all at once. Also, don’t forget about your Google Drive if that’s something you use for your work.


Now that you’ve organized your electronics, it’s time to organize your living area. Whether you live in a dorm or at home, it’s crucial to keep a clean space for you to live in. For dorm rooms, since its spring, consider gathering things that you brought from home but really haven’t used at all. If you plan on visiting home for a weekend during the spring semester this is a good time to take all of these things with you so  moving out isn’t as hard. Maybe you decide to organize your closet and take home outfits that haven’t been touched, or go through your desk and throw out random papers.


It’s also a good idea to wash your sheets if you live in a dorm, which is something most college students don’t do often enough. If you haven’t cleaned your mini fridge or microwave in a while, that’s also something that you could do. Wipes are good and quick to use if you don’t have an actual cleaner around.


If you live at home or an apartment, you can go full-out with the cleaning: vacuuming, cleaning hardwood floors, windows, bathrooms, kitchen counters, and more is good to get rid of all the dirt and dust that has accumulated for who knows how long.

Once the cleaning is done, you can start organizing. Closets, dressers, shelves, and countertops are good places to start if you’re looking to de-clutter. It’s always good to find items you don’t need anymore and sell them to a consignment shop near you. This way, you could even get some money back for your things.

Spring cleaning is a great time to get your life organized. After, you will not only feel good about your accomplishments, but you will also feel motivated to keep your space as clean as it turned out.


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