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Things to do at Midnight When You Don’t Have a New Year’s Date

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

First of all, I’m not quite sure who decided the New Year had to be marked by kissing someone. I can think of a few things that would start my new year off even better, like being handed a puppy or a million dollars at midnight. Despite this, people start pairing up at the end of the night for this “special kiss,” so if you can’t find the Troy to your Gabriella, here are some other things to do when the clock strikes 12.


1. Take a Shot

It involves your mouth, it gets you pumped for the new year, and it probably brings you just about as much satisfaction as a kiss. The “tequila wince” is about as close to “puckering up” as you can get.


2. Kiss a Mirror

You’re probably the hottest chick at the party, and nobody is worth your time when it comes down to it. Appreciate yourself.


3. Pop some champagne and spray kissing couples

Honestly, this sounds like fun for everybody involved, and by that, I mean mostly you.


4. Cry in the bathroom

Have a good cry, let the mascara streak down your face, and ponder why you haven’t found someone to sing “A Start of Something New” with yet. No, I’m just kidding. Please don’t do that.


5. Cheer by yourself and have a good time

Hug some people, throw some confetti, and yell with your friends about how this will totally be the best year yet and that you’re hitting the gym this January.  No kiss could be better than getting pumped with all your pals.


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