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Getting Through Midterms: A Story in Gifs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Whether it’s your first time experiencing midterms at the great University of Connecticut or your last midway struggle, this is a period of two weeks or so that screams misery. Just the thought of having to sit in a stuffy room for an hour or two is bad enough. Add the fact that you’re supposed to remember every single sentence in your textbook and all of the obscure definitions, it’s a wonder any of us survive, much less pass.

So you’re stuck in a stuffy room, with a bunch of strangers, for practically hours on end when your professor mentions an exam. And you’re like… wait what?

Because the semester just started, didn’t it?

But apparently we’re like halfway through… and you haven’t done any of the readings

So you actually begin to pay attention, and copy down everything said (because those last lectures are key).

But it’s definitely not enough, and you are freaking out

You probably break down a little bit, and take the dining hall up on its buffet styled ice cream.

And not to worry, because we all know calories don’t count when stressed.

Finally, you pull yourself together and hit the library.

You set up shop at a table with a couple friends and really hit those books

You’re determined to stay until you know everything there is to know…

Until you get kicked out at midnight.

In which case, you grab your stuff and had back to your room, shivering because the temperature’s probably below freezing at this point (Welcome to UConn)

You plan an all-nighter, pausing only when you accidentally fall asleep

And wake up to find out your face commented on someone’s default. “jekwbewh brwkewk,” Am I right?

But it’s 6am, and after such a refreshing sleep, you’re ready to keep on keeping on

After hitting up the dhall for a quick breakfast, you have roughly 2 minutes to get to your exam

So you run. And maybe look like a deranged hungover collegiate

You speed through the exam, knowing there is a shower and a bed waiting for you.

Finally, you get out of there, and the sun seems so much brighter

You don’t even mind the construction

You make it back to your room, satisfied that you’ve earned an A

And plan on celebrating ALL NIGHT LONG

….until you realize you have another exam tomorrow.