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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

So it’s National Nutrition Month (and March 26th is National Spinach Day), you’re low on iron, and are totally the type of person who identifies with this feeling:

So you think, ‘Ah yes, spinach! …But how?’

Don’t fret, collegiettes: here are some delicious AND nutritious spinach recipes to get you ironed-up and on that health kick.


Sautéed Spinach

For when you’re on a time-crunch and need to keep it simple.


Spinach Quiche

For when you need a taste of home and cannot let go of the cheese (who can, really?).


Creamed Spinach

For those who don’t know how AWESOME and easy this is. #yumzone

*Note: This recipe is based on stovetop cooking, but if you lead a busy life like myself (someone’s got to keep Netflix running), try my favorite microwavable creamed spinach packages! (Found at your local grocery store.)


Spinach Artichoke Dip

For those wh– do we really even need to explain?


Spinach Omelet 

For when you need to “Make Breakfast Great Again”.


Spinach Puffs

For when you need the perfect light snack.


Spinach S​moothie

No, not kidding. Very serious. Very delicious. Very quick & very healthy. (And if you don’t like one, there are 34 more kinds to choose from.)


Instagram your finished products and tag @hercampusuconn !





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