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5 Reasons YOU Should Join Her Campus UConn

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Have you ever thought about a career in journalism, PR, marketing, social media, communications or a related field?  Do you dream of having your voice heard by women around campus (or around the world)?! Do you want to join a group of people with similar interests to you? If you answered YES to any of these questions, you should consider joining Her Campus UConn this semester.  Her Campus is an amazing national organization that has hundreds of chapters around the world, and UConn is proud to be one of them! We are the leading online publication on campus geared toward college women, and were just named a Pink Level Chapter, meaning we are in the top 15 percent of Her Campus chapters worldwide.  Come help us by writing great content, planning exciting events, marketing our chapter and more!

1.     You can express yourself and embrace your inner collegiette.

Her Campus is a publication written by college women, for college women.  At Her Campus UConn, we love to give members the opportunity to write about whatever they choose, adding to our campus’s diverse voice.


2.     It is a great way to gain professional experience.

Her Campus has all the aspects of an online magazine.  If you are interested in a future career in journalism or another media-related field, you have the opportunity to get creative while learning important skills like meeting deadlines, reporting, and researching, as well as, creating content. Not to mention it’s great for your resume!


3.     Speaking of resumes, the Her Campus national branch is full of amazing opportunities.

Chapter members nationwide can apply to intern at the national headquarters in Boston.  It’s not just for editorial positions – HC also offers internships in marketing, web design and more! These interns have gone on to intern or work at major publications like Seventeen, Glamour and Vogue as well as other amazing companies like Edelman PR. Plus, as a growing publication, many people have heard of Her Campus and would love to see it on your resume.


4.     You can get hands-on experience at tons of fun events.

Every year, members from Her Campus UConn attend events like College Fashion Week and the Her Campus National Intercollegiette Conference, which are great career building events that are also a great time.  Also, our chapter holds several events and fundraisers each year that you could have a part in planning and executing. 


5.     You can spend time with women who have similar interests and make new friends!

Her Campus is a great way to meet other women with the same career goals or just similar hobbies as you.  Come join us and make connections – for future networking and friendship!  We do a bunch of team bonding events that are a great way to get to know each other.


If you or anyone you know is interested in joining our chapter, come to our informational meeting on Wednesday, September 14th at 7pm in Rowe 122. Following this meeting, those interested will be asked to fill out a short application online and submit a writing sample. Check out our social media accounts for updates! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest.


Sarah is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus UConn. She is a Communication and Journalism major at the University of Connecticut newly suffering from the travel bug after a summer in Spain and an obsession with all things UConn Husky Basketball.