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23 Important Lessons ‘One Tree Hill’ Taught Us

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

One of the reasons that I love One Tree Hill is because it is a show that leaves me feeling somewhat enlightened rather than just guilty for wasting hours watching Netflix.  Every episode of this 2003-2008 drama has so many valuable pieces of advice woven into it (cue Chad Michael Murray’s voice reciting a philosophical quote in the background).  Here are just 23 of the takeaways from this must-watch series.

[For those still binge-watching, warning: spoilers ahead!]


1. Don’t settle for less than the Scott brothers.

When it comes to boys, Haley James basically won the lottery.  Nathan’s unconditional love for her is an example of how every guy should treat the girl that he loves and Lucas is the supportive and loyal guy friend we all wish we had by our side.


2. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.

Often times we don’t even know our friends as well as we think we do. So what gave us the idea that we could successfully label people after just having met them?  Never assume you know someone before taking the time to actually get to know them.  And if people ever start making assumptions about you, just use Peyton’s famous response, because nobody can argue with it!


3. Live life to the fullest because time moves quickly.

The four year time jump in between seasons 4 and 5 showed us just how quickly life moves.  Although our four years of college may not go by quite as fast as they did for the graduates of Tree Hill High (still a little bitter that the series skipped over their college years), before we know it we will be out in the real world.


4. Don’t give boys too much power over your emotions.

But seriously…when and more importantly, why?!


5. Chase your dreams and believe in them because anything is possible.

That moment when Nathan finally found out that he made it to the NBA after facing so many obstacles over the years brought tears to all of our eyes.  Nathan reminded us to shoot for the stars and to never give up on our dreams no matter what.


6. Be careful online.

And maybe don’t have a webcam on 24/7 in your bedroom!  We get that Peyton was lonely being the only one at home most of the time but the webcam was obviously a terrible solution. Devoting your time to people you actually know in person will also lower your chances of a stranger pretending to be your long lost brother and then showing up at your house with ill intentions.  I think “Psycho Derek” was creepy enough to drive the point of internet safety home for all of us.


7. Don’t overlook the nice guys!

We were all hoping Brooke would somehow choose to give Mouth instead of Felix a chance back in season 2.  Since we root for the nice guy to get the girl in books and TV shows, why should real life be any different?  They may be less noticeable but they are also less likely to disrespect you or break your heart.  


8. Friendship is about quality, not quantity.

It is better to surround yourself with a couple of great friends than with lots of people who hardly know you.  


9. Be confident in yourself.

Adopt some of that unwavering Brooke Davis confidence and be your own biggest promoter!


10. Crying is never a sign of weakness.

Jamie Scott said it best.  Sometimes you need to have a good long cry in order to move on and make room in your heart for better things.  And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.


11. Forgive and forget.

If Brooke eventually managed to forgive Peyton for going behind her back with her boyfriend, we can move on from misunderstandings we have had and find it in ourselves to forgive. Grudges are no fun to carry around anyway.

12. You never know what the future holds.

“There’s no good that can possibly come of this”…except maybe falling in love and getting married!  When Haley first started tutoring Nathan, she had no idea that he would turn out to be the love of her life.  This goes to show that you never know what good might come out of a seemingly bad situation.

13. It is the ones we care about that can hurt us the most.

We could all painfully relate to this scene: lying awake at 2 a.m., feeling awful after someone we thought highly of disappointed us.


14. Stand up for yourself.

One could pick up a few things from Peyton’s tough attitude such as not allowing people to push you around.  It may be an uncomfortable conversation to have but in the long run you will be respected so much more having stood your ground.


15. There are not always explanations in life.

The conversations between Whitey and Peyton about their loved ones who passed away were very impactful.  Whether or not you believe that everything happens for a reason, we are often left with no idea as to what those reasons are.

16. We are stronger than we think we are.

You are stronger than you realize and with good friends by your side, you can get through anything life throws your way.  

17. Guys and girls really can be just friends.

It may not be the norm, but Lucas and Haley showed us that it is possible for a girl and a guy to be friends without either person catching feelings or being “friend-zoned.” Even though it will remain a complete mystery to us how Haley never fell for Lucas after knowing him for years (we were sold while watching the pilot),  their friendship will always be our goal.

18. It gets better.

Dan Scott was undoubtedly one of the most brutal villains in the history of television and probably the last person to be taking advice from.  However, by the end of the series we did slowly start to see him become a little more human.  Dan reminded us that whenever we are going through something tough, time will keep marching on and nothing remains the same forever.

19. If somebody wants to be in your life, they will make the effort to be there.

As much as we loved Lucas as a person, it took him a while to get the whole relationship thing down.  At least Brooke was smart enough to know that if somebody does not make you one of their priorities, you should not make them one of yours.

20. Life is not a race.

We naturally compare ourselves to those around us which makes it easy to feel like we are somehow falling behind if we have not yet scored the perfect internship, fallen in love, traveled to a foreign country, etc.  But there is no “right age” for anything and we have lots of years ahead of us to make these amazing memories.

21. Forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason why it will.

Sometimes you have to be brave, quiet those thoughts in your head and give your heart a fighting chance at getting what it wants.  Keith and Karen taught us the heartbreaking lesson that when you love someone, you should tell them instead of holding it in for years.  The only amount of time that any of us are guaranteed in life is the present moment, so stop putting off your dreams for another day.

22. Make time for fun!

Throw a spontaneous pillow fight, run around town dressed like superheroes, dance to a Spice Girls song, make a “Fantasy Boy Draft”… just don’t get so bogged down by stress that you forget to relax and make some great memories.

23. Your art matters.

The biggest takeaway from OTH goes back to the very beginning of the series.  Whether you draw like Peyton, play a sport like Nathan, design clothes like Brooke, write like Lucas, sing like Haley or do something else…your art matters and the world is a better place because of it.