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10 Uncliché Questions to Get to Know Someone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Do you ever wonder why it is so hard to remember someone’s name, or even a fraction of a fact about them? Or why is it that we can have a ten minute conversation with a new person and take away absolutely nothing from it? In this day and age, we seem to forget about the importance of meaningful conversation. All of them seem to start out with the same, “How are you?” “Where are you from?” “What do you do/what is your major?” If all our conversations are the same, how are we meant to really get to know someone… like, really get to know them? Here are ten, original and unique questions you can ask someone rather than the first ten questions out of the Cliché McBasic hand guide. 

1.  What is your favorite food and who makes it?


This tells you a little bit about this person’s palette as well as people in their life, especially if the food is made my family or friends.

2. What is your favorite memory?

This question will tell you what this person finds important enough to remember, and if their values line up with yours. 

3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

With this, you can get to know someone’s inner fantasies and dreams. 

4. What is your all-time favorite TV show?

If it’s a similar favorite of yours, then hey! you’ve got something to talk about. Or maybe they’ll tell you that they don’t watch TV, and then you know it’s time to move one… just kidding, but c’mon, who doesn’t love TV?

5. Where is the furthest you have been from this spot?

This question allows you to see where someone has been in life and learn about their own experiences.

6. If nothing else mattered, what would you do with your life?

Now we’re getting to the deeper stuff. This will tell you about a person’s life goals, interests and personality.

7. Who inspires you?

Whoever they mention can probably give you an insight into the person you’re talking to as well. 

8. When was the last time you cried?

This question can show a person’s true emotions and let you know a little bit more about their personality.

9. If you could live in one place for the rest of your life, where would you choose?

You’ll probably hear a lot of great travel memories with this one. 

10. If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?

This can let you know what a person really thinks of themselves and whether they’re humble, cocky or just want to be seen a particular way.


See, there are so many more questions to ask to really get to know someone than what initially comes ot mind. Happy conversing!