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Pat McShane

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.


Hometown: Orland Park, Illinois

Major: Food and Consumer Packaged Goods Marketing

Year in School: Graduated 2013

Sport: Basketball, Snowboarding

Relationship Status: Happily In a Relationship


Sport: Hockey

Food: Fried Rice

Ocean or Lake: Ocean

Male Celeb Crush: George Clooney

Female Celeb Crush: Kate Upton



Interesting fact: I have never had a cavity

One word to describe yourself: Weird or Bootylicious

Best feature: I’ve been told I have magnificent earlobes

Morning person or night owl: Definite Night Owl

Worst habit: Biting my nails

Relationship Deal Breaker: Man-Hands

Q & A

What’s your most embarrassing moment? This isn’t one specific moment, but I am terrible with names and have a very long track record of calling people by the wrong name which is immediately followed by a very awkward silence.  Which is why I usually refer to people as “Dude, Bro, Man, Girl, Woman, Ladyface, etc.”

When you’re flirting, would you rather be approached or be the one to approach? I love being creeped on so I would say approached, although I don’t mind being a creeper myself from time to time.

What’s one thing on your bucket list? Skydiving!

What is your biggest pet peeve? Highway drivers that match the speed of the car in the lane next to them making it impossible to pass.

Name one thing you don’t understand about guys? Why we find it so hard to just make our own sandwiches, it’s just nature I guess.

What’s the best present you ever received? A coffee mug that had a dinosaur on the outside that turned into a skeleton when filled with hot coffee.  R.I.P. Dinomug L

Hannah has a love for beauty, fashion, and trying new products! Add her on Intsagram and Twitter: @hannahvls