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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

Meet Landon Goodman, a sophomore Kappa Sigma and this week’s Campus Cutie. This cutie from Texas has a fun-loving personality, so it’s a question as to why he’s still single. Read on to find more about how you can snatch him up.


Hometown: Bellaire, TX

Major: Business Management

Year in School: Sophomore

Relationship Status: Single




Food: Sushi

Place: Breckenridge, CO

Sport: Baseball

Artist/Band: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers



Best Feature: My buns of steel

One Habit You’d Like To Break: Biting my nails

One Word That Describes You: Cunning

Relationship Deal Breaker: When girls unnecessarily triple-text me


Q & A:

If You Could Drop Out Of School And Do Whatever You Wanted, What Would You Do?

I would definitely go to Italy for a year.

What’s One Thing You Want To Knock Off Your Bucket List?

I would marry Miley Cyrus.

Name One Thing You Don’t Understand About Girls?

I would say I don’t understand everything about girls. Everything sums it up.

What’s Your Ideal Date?

Somewhere nice and quiet. We could maybe go to the drive-in zoo and play with the little lions.

If You Could Have One Superpower What Would It Be And Why?

It would be to teleport so I’d never be late to anything.

Adventurer. Writer.