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How You “Can Even” Survive Dorm Life!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

If you’re anything like me, your mother is forcing you to live in the haunting equivalent of a prison cell.

Also, if you are anything like me, you are freaking out because you have only e-mailed your roommate three times and your suitemates aren’t responding. What color do they want the dorm? What about the mutual living space – are they okay with no TV? Who’s buying the microwave?  There is so much that goes into dorm life. That apartment just could not look anymore like a brighter idea. 

Take it from someone who has been through it; you may not want to admit it right now, but mom is right. Everyone should experience dorm life at least once. Good or bad, you make the most memories inside your own (or someone else’s!) dorm space! They are cramped and crummy, but do not let it fool you. Dorm life is essential to the freshman experience at Arkansas! 

I am going to touch as many bases as possible in order to keep your dorm life stress-free! First, let’s talk about move-in.

1.) Roommate Communication: This is pretty vital to your move-in! If you have a talkative roommate (it’s an excellent idea to have their phone number, e-mail can be kind of slow), then your life is easy. Map out who is bringing what, and lay down the ground rules. Know this – you will argue with your roommate. Living together for 10 months leaves plenty of space for a dispute over who borrowed what. Don’t sweat it, though. It’s natural! Cut down on the risk of those arguments by preparing a list for both you. If your roommate agrees to bring a microwave, match her in value and agree to bring the television. Personal things like food and electronics accessories should never be shared. In addition, make sure you set the rules for borrowing clothes and jewelry from the get-go!

2.) Clean Up Duty: It is super important to clean up as you go. As soon as you use something, put it away once you’re done. Dorm spaces are so small, they’re the easiest things in the world to dirty up, and it happens fast! Especially while living with someone else who may not be as neat as you are, it is vital to keep your space clean. If you do this on a consistent basis, there will not be an argument over who is making the bigger mess in the space. A great way to stay organized is to ensure that everything has its place — from pencils to your laptop. Every time you use it, you know exactly where it came from and where to put it back. As much of a pain as it will be, try and make your bed each morning as well.

3.) Seasonal Rotating: Rotating your clothes each season is a MUST! When you move in for the fall, be sure to leave the heavy winter coats and gloves behind, there just won’t be room for them. It is important to schedule weekend trips home to say hello to the friends and family left behind, and while you are at it, take the skirts and leggings home and trade them out for fleece-lined leggings and earmuffs! (Just a side note: don’t skip out on those earmuffs —Fayetteville winters are BRUTAL!) When the winter comes to a close, do a final trade-off for your Spring wardrobe. This will save you a ton of space!

4.) Greeks Bearing Gifts: Put your Greek gifts to good use! As a Freshman, you will be showered with gifts from your big and bid-day pal; however, the cups and tanks can take a ton of space. Reserve a space in your closet or beneath your bed for the array of tank tops and t-shirts you willl receive, and take home the ones you rarely wear. Use cups for holding pencils or for dorm guests to drink from. Buy sticky tack (and a ton of it) so that canvases won’t take up space. Keep them on the wall at all times! 

5.)  Stick to the Rules: DO NOT break housing code! Not only are they not bluffing about the hefty fines, but they never hesitate to confiscate your items without telling you. Leave items like your Scentsy at home — housing will not allow them. Most importantly, no matter how cool you think it is, do not — and I repeat, do not — hide alcohol in your dorm for anyone!  The University will fine you, and it is placed on your school record!

Keep these basics in mind, and your year in your dorm will be well-spent and hassle-free — guaranteed! 

Tiffany Ward, a Junior at the University of Arkansas, joined the Her Campus Arkansas team in 2013 and now serves as the chapter President. Along with being an English major, Tiffany has a minor in Legal Studies and Pre-Law emphasis. Tiffany is a loyal member of Alpha Omicron Pi. Tiffany loves to write articles that provide advice and fun to her readers.