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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

In today’s smart phone society, we are more connected than ever. Before even waking up in the morning, many of us receive multiple emails and notifications from our social media accounts. While this technology allows constant contact with those who matter most to us, it also takes away from the motions of our everyday lives. Below is a week-long technology “cleanse” to help you disconnect from your phone and enjoy the moment thoroughly.

Monday: Power down your phone an hour before you go to bed.  Use this time instead to unwind and be alone. Make a cup of tea and curl up with your favorite book. You might be surprised at how well you sleep.

Tuesday: Organize your email in the morning, and then don’t check it for the rest of the day. Take this time to unsubscribe to junk mail and delete old messages. This will help your life feel less cluttered later on.

Wednesday: Re-evaluate your “friends” on Facebook. Over the years, we have all accumulated a lot of friends, many of whom we have not seen or spoken to since biology, sophomore year of high school. Now may be the time to lighten up that news feed a bit.

Thursday: Delete all social media accounts on your phone for the day. When you are out with your friends later that night, you might just have more fun living in the moment instead of trying to get a cute picture to post to Instagram.

Friday: Make sure your social media is squeaky clean.  You are going to college to help your chance of one day getting a job. Do not let that questionable post from freshman year ruin those prospects. Go through your accounts and clean it up.

Saturday: Go somewhere out of cell range or just turn your phone off and put it away. A day without your phone entirely may be more rewarding than you think.

Sunday: Do not get on Netflix. This is the favorite pass-time of many of us. Without Netflix, there would be a lot of extra time to prepare for the upcoming school week.

Photo Courtesy of: http://i988.photobucket.com/albums/af4/Datadio/social-media-marketing_zp…

Born and raised in Kansas City. Sophomore at the University of Arkansas.