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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

One year later…A note to the freshmen class


Upon leaving your nearest and dearest friends when college begins, you wonder how and when you will find similar relationships at school.  Will people “get” you in the same way, with the same humor, and the same blunt honesty?  Will you feel like you can truly be yourself, and well appreciated, flaws and all? 


As a sophomore reflecting back a year, I’m here to tell you that you will find your people, and very possibly already have.  Like everyone tells you, it takes time.  You surround yourself with those are who physically close to you- roommate, dorm floor, friends of friends.  Then, you see familiar faces in classes and become brave enough to sit next to one.  Of course, the nightlife is attractive, and you venture out in groups.  Your first friends become real friends, and the weirdness of making other friends fades. 


A year ago, I still craved the familiarity of my lifelong friends.  In truth, they will always be my people, and I will forever have them in my life.  The difference now, though, is that I also my have my people here at Tulane. 


Last week, I went home to Minnesota.  I love the comfort of my room, the food, the neighborhood, my city, and, of course, my family.  But, by Sunday, I needed to go back to my other home, here at Tulane.


To the freshman class, I assure you that you are close to feeling this is your place, too.  Our time here provides a bridge to adulthood.  We learn independence, problem solving, time management, social skills, healthy and safety care, and how to make lifelong friends.


Roll wave, my friends.  You got this.

Her Campus Tulane