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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

So as we all wait for our finals to start, we look for ways to distract ourselves from the painful hours of studying that lie ahead. The easiest way to do so is by eating, but unfortunatel, eating at Bruff just doesn’t always cut it. During this stressful week, 3 big meals a day with snacks in between is key. For those of you that can’t do another dinner at Bruff, walk an extra 5 minutes and go to “Luff.” “Luff” is the better, Loyola version of Bruff. Here are the 5 reasons why Luff is the go-to place:

1)   The Salad Bar

Unlike Bruff, which lacks main salad necessities like cucumbers, Luff has it all. Luff has cucumbers, corn, peas, cheese, oranges, and any other toss in that you’d want in your salad. And my personal favorite that you can’t find at Bruff: bacon bits!

2)   The Ice Cream Bar

We all think our ice cream bar at Bruff is super fancy with our four flavors, but Bruff looks weak in comparison to Luff. Luff has around 15 different flavors and on top of that a variety of other dessert treats.

3)   The Endless Silverware

We’ve all been at Bruff and had to wait 10 minutes just for a fork to eat our dinner. At Luff, they have bowls of silverware around the dining hall, and I’ve never experienced having to wait.

4)   Nachos

Enough said. Every night Luff has nachos with all the toppings you would ever want on them. 

5)   Bruff Swipe

Not only is Luff in close walking distance, but it also counts as a Bruff swipe!

Her Campus Tulane