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The Tulane Roosters: Your Newest Midterm Saviors

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Maybe they woke you up this morning, or every morning this week. Maybe they made you think you were hallucinating on your walk out of Newcomb. Either way, despite their mysterious appearance, the roosters are here to help you through midterm season. Here are a few takes on the true meaning of the rooster according to various folklore:


1. The roosters chase away evil spirits (Chinese and Japanese folklore)

That voice in the back of your head convincing you that you’ll fail. That is an evil spirit and the roosters have your back!

2. They exemplify punctuality (Chinese Feng shui)

The last thing you want is to be late for your test! The roosters will get you up and dressed on time to make use of every minute. Do not forget to eat breakfast!

3. They bring good luck (Japanese mythology)

We can all use a little luck. Maybe the rooster will help you with that bonus question!

4. They embody truth and equity (Portuguese folklore)

No one likes a cheater. The roosters are here to remind you to keep your eye on your own paper this midterm season!

5. They speak for courage and honesty (Jewish tradition)

You know that if you put in the time studying, you will do well. Next time you hear that annoying cock-a-doodle-do, head over to Howie!

Good luck on your tests! Remember to thank the roosters.


(Folklore information from Whatismyspiritanimal.com)  

Her Campus Tulane